This A.I. Art Tool Was Seen at CES and Is 75 Percent Off Now

While everyone’s been getting all up in a tizzy about ChatGPT, A.I. art has quietly been up to way cooler stuff. From lonely teenagers’ wacky ideas to complete comic books, A.I. art is lowering artistic barriers, making it easier for anyone to create the wildest things in their imagination. That’s why A.I. art was such a feature at CES 2023.
Because we think tech is neat, and saving money is also neat, we’re offering big discounts on a range of cool stuff that's been seen at CES. Now through 11:59 p.m. Pacific on March 5th, you can save on as-seen-at-CES products, including Dream by WOMBO A.I. Art Tool.
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Cool enough to be backed by Ashton Kutcher, Dream by WOMBO was named Google’s Best Overall App of 2022 and has earned 4.8/5 stars in the App Store. In a review, TechCrunch wrote, “You can’t even get bored during these few seconds of creation because you get to see a glimpse of the A.I. at work. But the sheer speed of production is impressive. Slash terrifying.”
WOMBO makes it incredibly easy to bring your wacky ideas into the real world. All you have to do is enter a prompt — no matter how ridiculous or deviant in nature — choose an art style, and wait a few seconds as WOMBO puts the art together. If you’d like to share your sick creations, you may, but you can also keep them private.
With a Premium Plan, you’ll gain a support Discord role and have access to exclusive channels in the Wombo Dream Discord. You’ll also be able to create up to four outputs at once, have the ability to fine-tune your best output with three alternative options, and even view and download your Dream’s generation video.
Get into A.I. art without breaking the bank. Now through March 5th, you can get a lifetime Premium Plan to Dream by WOMBO A.I. Art Tool for 75 percent off $169 at just $39.99.
Prices subject to change