This Comedian Advertised Her Album on Porn Sites. She’s Still Waiting for Her Happy Ending

The answer to the enduring question of, “Who in the world actually clicks on the ads on porn sites?” is apparently not “Comedy fans.”
L.A.-based comedian Logan Guntzelman has an affinity for atypical advertising that led to a brief-but-memorable marketing campaign for her 2020 album Today’s Top Hits!. For one week, Guntzelman ran sidebar ads on certain websites where few advertisers dare to tread, except for those selling “Sex With Local Singles” or devices that supposedly turn disappointing dicks into giant throbbing snake monsters.
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Guntzelman reflected on the porn promotion in a recent video where she revealed how marketing to the masturbation community led to massive profits — an entire $2.12.
“During the pandemic, I had a lot of free time so I was, um, visiting porn sites more frequently,” Guntzelman explains of the motivation behind her short-lived stint in smut marketing, “I would often get distracted by how insane the ads were, and I thought, ‘It seems like they’ll let anyone buy ads, I wonder how hard it is to set up?’ I googled it, and it seemed surprisingly easy.”
Guntzelman and her roommate spent “probably 20 minutes” shooting some silly suggestive photos for the ad campaign, then a few hours photoshopping the images and adding captions like, “You know what feels better than cumming? LAUGHING,” or “I’ve got the perfect thing to listen to right after u cum: A 20 min. recording of a woman talking,” along with a link to her album. Guntzelman said of her low-budget, hastily-made ad campaign, “I thought, ‘Most porn ads are bad, these can also be bad.’” The thing is, they were glorious.
Most advertisements on porn sites are managed by the company TrafficJunky. Guntzelman paid a total of $150 to run her promotion for one week in select zip codes during specific time frames. “This probably isn’t surprising, but people mostly like to watch porn at night,” she says. As for the impact that clicks from her one-handed target audience had on her album sales, the royalty check Guntzelman flashes in her video says it all.
Nevertheless, Guntzelman continues to explore unusual promotional methods for marketing her comedy. Her dream is to advertise her shows on the TV screens at the DMV, “but it turns out that’s actually like, $5,000.” Most recently, she publicized a pair of shows in Louisville, Kentucky by dumping a bucket of KY lubricant (or “Kentucky lube,” as she calls it) all over herself in an Instagram post. In addition, Guntzelman hosts a monthly show at the Blind Barber in L.A. that’s strictly BYOL — bring your own lube.