Wait, They Made A Mexican ‘Drunk History’?

Much like soap operas and Coca-Cola, the Mexican version of Drunk History is a serious competitor to its American counterpart.
Drunk History: El Lado Borroso de la Historia was a Spanish-language adaptation of Derek Waters’ popular Comedy Central series, which brought the joy of listening to an absolutely hammered narrator try to explain historical events to a big-budget cable television context. Mexican Drunk History spun off the Will Ferrell and Adam McKay-produced “educational” comedy series for a South-of-the-Border binge-drinking comedy show that was filled with slurred stories about Frida Kahlo and Hernán Cortés as well as the hilarious hiccups, burps and vomit breaks that made the original series such a sloshed success.
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Curious but unilingual Drunk History fans can find a handful of English-subtitled episodes from the Mexican series on Paramount+, and some scenes are shown on the Comedy Central Latinoamérica YouTube channel with choppy auto-translated captions that add to the inebriated incoherence of it all.
The format and the aesthetics of the original Drunk History all translated to its Spanish-language sister show – guest narrators were given alcoholic beverages of their choice and were asked to recount famous events from Mexican history after they imbibed as many drinks as they possibly could before they fell out of the chair and were forced to finish the story from the floor. The footage was then cut with high-production value reenactments that featured talented comedic actors playing pivotal figures in the most impactful stories of the country’s history.
Those who enjoyed Drunk History’s educational elements and whose own knowledge of Mexican history may be limited by an American public school education will find Mexican Drunk History to be an incredible and entertaining insight into the important events of our nearest southern neighbor’s vivid past.
Drunk History Mexico ran for just three seasons from 2016 to 2017, but the 12 episodes available for streaming are a must-watch for anyone who once loved to get lost in the tipsy tales of the American show. Plus, just like the original Drunk History, the Mexican show gets even funnier when you’ve had a few beers of your own.