Best Comedy Movie Blooper Reels, Ranked

Blooper reels can be one of the funniest parts of a comedy. Not only do we get a behind-the-scenes peek at how actors like to muck around on the job, but we also get to see just how good these actors are at conjuring up jokes on the spot.
The history of bloopers goes as far back as the 1930s when a Warner Bros. director produced a 10-second blooper sketch of Porky Pig breaking the fourth wall to make a joke about cursing in cartoons.
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Not everyone’s cup of tea but certainly most people’s jam, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy hit our screens like a bear attack in 2004 and made “I love lamp” one of the most quoted comedy lines of the 21st century. It’s the movie that got us to laugh at all the wrong things because the actors managed to send it up so well. (Also, most of them look absolutely ridiculous in Stetsons and polo necks.)
The gag reel for the movie with the mustaches kicks off with a great little improv from the always funny Christina Applegate and continues on this trend with Will Ferrell trying out a Human Torch line during his vocal warm-up scene, Jack Black improvising throwing that dog over the bridge, and both Paul Rudd and David Koechner coming up with bonkers ways to throw Christina Applegate off while she tries to read the news.
It’s fun to watch, but in this case, we definitely think the movie’s funnier than the blooper outtakes.
21 Jump Street
The movie may have glorified cops to some extent — what with them manhandling strangers for the LOLs and whatnot — but there’s no denying that Jonah Hill and, most surprisingly at the time, Channing Tatum made this movie an absolute blast to watch. They nailed the opposites-attract chemistry, they both look ridiculous as teenagers, and there’s a scene where the two narcs trip so bad it would’ve made Hunter S. Thompson jealous.
The gag reel mostly features actors corpsing during scenes, making mistakes, and coming up with lines that were ultimately cut from the movie. There are also way too many clips of Tatum telling some guy off-screen how he wants to beat his dong right off, as well as Nick Offerman listing the many, many ways in which he is an adult man and these two numbnuts are not. Also, Ice Cube’s intense, y’all.
Trainwreck might be Amy Schumer’s best work to date, and it’s no wonder some folks were calling for her portrayal as a cynical and rebellious writer who struggles with her general relationship with men to be recognized by the Academy.
This movie wasn’t just good because it flipped the gender norms — by making Schumer the promiscuous character who drinks, smokes pot, and has an aversion to commitment while her beau Bill Hader sits around talking love and relationships with his pal LeBron James like they’re characters from Sex and the City — but every actor is good here. Even LeBron James.
The bloopers reel is an extension of the comedy and chemistry we get watching the movie that showed us how funny John Cena can be. It starts off with multiple clips of planes flying over the film location – a bane for any filmmaker — and features improv clips of crude-mouthed John Glaser pitching a “John Mayer P*ssy Island” article for the men’s magazine, Cena going to town with his sexual insults in that movie theater, and many an awkward moment in a movie filled with guys humping Schumer.
The best part might arguably be the scene where Matthew Broderick seems totally perplexed as to why Bill Hader can’t stop laughing.
Step Brothers
Considered by many folks the best Will Ferrell comedy, Step Brothers gave us the comedy duo powerhouse of Ferrell and John C. Reilly playing two grown men who think they’re still five years old and who need to get along after their parents hook up. This proves to be, well, not that hard, really, as they both have child brains and many child-brain things in common. They also say “What?!” like, a lot.
Both these comedians never as much as crack a sincere smile throughout the movie — they mostly play their characters as super serious — but the actors sure had a few laughs while filming scenes where someone gets a makeup brush up their nose, and one particular “treehouse confessions” bit involving scores of boinking jokes. There’s also a lot of apparent farting happening in these clips because, of course, there is.
Co-written and based on much of Seth Rogen’s upbringing, Superbad is a movie that’s only grown in popularity as the years roll by and everyone gets closer to how old McLovin would supposedly be right now. It was the movie that gave Oscar-nominee Jonah Hill his first leading role, catapulted both his and Michael Cera’s careers to the next level, and gave us the fun cop duo of Rogen and Bill Hader, who probably like to hang out with kids a little too much.
This blooper reel immediately has us howling, with Rogen seemingly not knowing how to get out of a car. It also features yet another actor getting assaulted by a bug while filming, and Cera gets red in the face as the crew tries to explain to him how to punch-not-punch a girl in the tit.
It’s the movie that, for some inexplicable reason, decided to pair up Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. It’s the movie that gave us the wonderfully improvised speech about tuna versus lions. It’s the movie that saw Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson hilariously “aim for the bushes.” It’s Adam McKay’s 2010 comedy, The Other Guys.
Like many of the entries in this list, the movie is way funnier than the trailer (which is preferable to the opposite of that). The behind-the-scenes shenanigans, too, are nothing but a hoot, what with Sam Jackson yelling like a person on a roller coaster during that green screen jump, Ferrell pretending to black out behind the wheel, and Rob Huebel coming up with the most bizarre things found in Ferrell’s car after a bunch of raunchy homeless folk had their way with it.
Come for the sex jokes, stay for Michael Keaton taking his role as manager of Bed Bath & Beyond to great new heights.
Hot Fuzz
Before any of you start feeling blue about there being only one of the Cornetto-trilogy movies in this list, fret not, for we might just do a sequel to this anyway. Who knows what pleasures await?! With so many comedies to choose from, though, we chose the single Simon Pegg/Nick Frost collab that features Timothy Dalton. No one can argue with that.
The blooper clip is filled with British humor, Pegg’s inability to unlock or even just open a door, and the guys have a lot of fun with that “jog on” line.
The movie that gave us a female-led cast who absolutely slayed in this spy comedy spoof also blessed us with Jason Statham’s funniest character to date. We talk a lot about this movie because it’s just that good, and every single actor delivers in this film that has Jude Law making weird cupcake faces and Rose Byrne sporting the biggest hair we’ve seen on a white woman that is not from the 18th century.
Good stuff. The 2015 comedy featuring a great scooter gag and an even greater kitchen fight has one of the best comedy blooper reels because that’s what you get from a movie where every single actor is hysterical. English actor Peter Serafinowicz has a really hard time getting through his filthy lines without laughing, Melissa McCarthy is just constantly funny (even when she screws up her lines), and at one point, Statham hits his jiggles on the bar of the boat.
The best thing, however, is this next gag reel that shows the actors being fed some of the jokes the writers came up with to test during filming. It showcases how incredibly talented they are as they seamlessly go from taking in the lines to performing them while, of course, struggling not to break. It’s delightful seeing Statham lose it upon hearing that microchip-computer joke for the first time, just like we did.
Kudos to that extra helping McCarthy remember “Gallagher.” Also, we totally need to have Cher do a cameo in the sequel.
Zanandi is still holding it out on Twitter.
Thumbnail: Columbia Pictures