4 Unhinged Movie Theories That Almost Make Sense

The filmography of Larry the Cable Guy aside, there’s nothing wrong with loving movies. That being said, sometimes film lovers’ overanalyses go to some pretty weird places – like remember that movie Room 237 about all the bonkers theories (and one totally accurate theory) inspired by The Shining? Well, it turns out that other famous movies have similarly spawned some wild takes that, while ultimately probably bogus, are fascinating nonetheless. Like how some people believe that …
Steven Spielberg’s Jaws Holds A Clue To A Real Life Murder
Jaws, of course, stars Roy Scheider, Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Shaw and a giant robotic shark that was less functional than your average animatronic Chuck E. Cheese. But does it also feature … a real-life murder victim?
Back in 1974, a woman was found dead in Provincetown, Massachusetts, “killed by a blow to the left side of her skull.” While the body was badly decomposed, multiple attempts were made to create facial reconstructions to help ID the victim, dubbed “The Lady in the Dunes). A 2010 composite was then seen by author Joe Hill, from Locke & Key and being the son of Stephen King fame, who had taken an interest in the case, which he called “the Holy Grail for amateur sleuths.”
In 2015, Hill attended a 40th-anniversary screening of Jaws and saw the Lady in the Dunes in the movie – or so he thought. While this might sound kind of nuts, and not unlike looking for clues to the Zodiac killings in, say, Blazing Saddles, it’s certainly not implausible. The victim was found with her head resting on a pair of jeans and a blue bandana, and sure enough, one of the extras in a crowd scene from Jaws – which was filmed in the summer of 1974 just “100 miles away” from where the body was found – is wearing jeans and a blue bandana.
While Hill’s theory is convincing, the local police department thinks that the “odds are long” that the two women are one and the same. And even if they are, it’s still ultimately not much help to the investigation since “film studios didn’t keep the same sort of records on extras that they do now,” and Spielberg and company were apparently too busy wrangling a janky metal sea monster to bother jotting down the contact info of everyone who appeared on camera.
Frozen’s Title Was Created To Distract People From A Disney Conspiracy Theory
Why is Disney’s Frozen called Frozen? After all, the original Hans Christian Andersen story on which it’s based is called The Snow Queen. Plus, Frozen seems like a downright terrible choice of name, considering that it inevitably led some confused families to accidentally put on a horror movie in which a guy gets torn apart by hungry wolves, and precisely zero power ballads are sung.
Some have speculated that the movie was actually named Frozen so that Google searches for the words “Disney Frozen” would yield results pertaining to Elsa and Anna’s adventures and not … stuff like this:
Yes, the existence of Frozen has likely helped to bury info pertaining to the conspiracy theory that Walt Disney’s head is cryogenically frozen and secretly stored in the bowels of Disneyland. Was that intentional? According to co-director Jennifer Lee, that wasn’t the case; the title was chosen only “for thematic reasons.” And as we’ve mentioned before, there is ample evidence that Disney legit died and was cremated – meaning that there’s no Walt-sicle beneath Pirates of the Caribbean to cover up.
Tag – Hannibal Buress’ Role Was Added In Post-Production
Unless you’re a part of the professional tagging community, chances are you haven’t thought all that much about Tag, the 2018 comedy starring Ed Helms, Jon Hamm and Jeremy Renner, whose character thankfully never once randomly burst into song at a roadside dive bar. Mostly, Tag is remembered as the movie in which Renner broke his arms, forcing the filmmakers to surreptitiously CGI his arms, so no casts were visible.
The revelation that Jeremy Renner’s arms were, in fact, a digital fabrication seemingly broke some people’s brains, making them see computer manipulation everywhere in the film – specifically with the character of Kevin, played by Hannibal Burress. A 2018 Reddit post speculated that Buress’ appearance in the movie – in which he was often sidelined from certain action scenes – was added in after the film was shot using “a mixture of greenscreen, standalone reaction shots, and a few reshoots featuring the entire cast.”
While Buress was the funniest part of the movie, his presence did seem superfluous at times and felt like more of a joke punch-up machine than a real character. Of course, this was likely just the result of a flawed screenplay, not evidence of an elaborate Hollywood conspiracy. Buress’ involvement was widely publicized before cameras ever rolled, and he’s clearly visible in all the behind-the-scenes footage … unless that’s also the CGI Hannibal.
Back To The Future Is Full Of References To The JFK Assassination
When it comes to the Back to the Future trilogy, it’s tough to come up with theories that are wackier than the films themselves; after all this is a series in which a woman crushes on her future son, a time machine is powered by literal garbage, and a teenager inadvertently prolongs the Vietnam War by buying a magazine, and no one even bothers to mention it. But one YouTuber has speculated that the movies are really all about … the JFK assassination?
There are some interesting points here; the Hill Valley town square is not wholly unlike Dealey Plaza, where Kennedy was killed. And the climax of Back to the Future does involve a blast from above hitting a car as it passes by. The video somehow neglects to point out that Doc even uses a toy convertible to illustrate his plan.
Plus, there are specific references to JFK in the film itself; Doc lives on a street that eventually becomes John F. Kennedy Drive, and a bust of the late President’s head can be seen in the window of the future antique shop Marty visits. And while we have our tinfoil hats (and let's be honest, our tinfoil shirts, pants, and underwear) on, there’s the fact that Marty’s mom’s maiden name is “Baines” – as in Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy’s Vice President. Also, Back to the Future II came out on November 22, 1989 – 26 years to the day since the assassination. Wake up, sheeple!
Of course, all of this is likely just a coincidence – for one thing, the original plan for the ending of the movie involved not a car in a town square but a refrigerator in a nuclear test site. And since this video was posted by the same guy who posited that Back to the Future also predicted 9/11, maybe take it with a grain of salt … followed by another grain of salt … followed by, like, all the salt.
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