14 Wildest Easter Eggs In 'GTA' History

Popular culture is polluted by the countless GTA easter eggs that just aren't real. We don't get why since there are plenty of real ones that are more bonkers than anything players could ever come up with.
The Statue Of Hilarity

Anyone who wanders into GTA IV's version of Liberty Island might stumble upon one of the creepiest easter eggs in the history of gaming, a statue of liberty who looks a lot like the eternal presidential hopeful.
Hillary Clinton's Heart

And the few who don't find Hillary's face scary enough will be happy to learn that they can walk inside the statue to find a beating heart chained to its insides.
A mod about coffee

The picture above is the most SFW picture we were able to find when googling hot coffee + GTA. It turns out that the original San Andreas hid a straight-up pornographic minigame that caused the game to get pulled from stores.
The Master Chief from the original Halo

GTA V features “Republican Space Rangers” that one would think are gross spoofs of the Master Chief from the Halo games, but they actually look quite similar to the concept design Bungie used on the Halo: Combat Evolved beta.
A serial killer

The weirdest part here is that there's only one serial killer in the world of GTA V, yeah, but it's really cool that we get to investigate the case of Merle Abrahams aka “the infinity killer" and find some of his victims' bodies.
Spooky self driving cars

GTA San Andreas is known for many Big Foot sightings, but those are all fake. What's real, however, are cars that drive around the woods with no one at the wheel. Is this an intentional easter egg or just a coding error? Probably the latter, but we're gonna go with the former because that's way cooler.
A carless ghost

Not all ghosts were lucky enough to own a car in life, and that's why the ghost of Jolene Cranley can be caught floating around in GTA V.
Snow Aliens

The world of GTA V has seemingly been hit by a secret alien invasion so it's good to know that the icy waters of San Andreas are capable of imprisoning Xenomorph knockoffs.
Red Dead Redemption's epilogue

We learn two things about Jack Marston, the son of John Marston from Red Dead Redemption and its sequel: he's into revenge, and books. He gets his revenge at the at of the game, and it's cool to learn from GTAV that the guy went on to become a writer – the best thing one can become.
The hatch from Lost

The influence of Lost in big-budget tv shows can be felt in most big-budget tv series nowadays. Even Game Of Thrones, a supposedly unrelated fantasy tale ended up mimicking Lost's run that began as ultra promising only to conclude on the weirdest note imaginable. It also influenced GTA V somehow as we can find “the hatch”, one of the tv show's first and most interesting mysteries.
Players can't find bigfoot but they can become bigfoot

We have bad news for anyone scrolling down to find bigfoot. We can't find him in any GTA game – unless we find him inside ourselves. Yeah, there's an optional mission where we can see the world through the eyes of a bigfoot after consuming the right amount of psychoactive substances, just like in real life (source needed).
cheeky messages taunting exploiters

Playing games in ways they aren't meant to be played is the forbidden apple of gamers, and the developers at Rockstar are the god of the beautiful garden of Eden that's Liberty City, so it's only natural that all GTA games are filled with messages telling exploiters who have wandered too far that they should go back to the play area.
An Actual UFO

The presence of UFOs in older games of the series was an ever-present myth. For GTA V the devs got tired of it and they just filled not just the skies but even the oceans with spacecraft. Players managed to extract UFO-related activity from deep within the game's code.
Mt. Chilliad

Mt. Chiliad is a mountain composed of 5% actual rock, and 95% easter eggs. Yeah, it's seemingly there just to quench the thirst of off-season easter egg hunters. We won't spoil it further.
Top Image: Rockstar