The Tonight Show: 20 Fav Moments From Allen To Fallon

While some may say The Tonight Show didn't become The Tonight Show until Johnny Carson took the helm, the show itself has been around since the 1950s. Over the years hosts have had to write sketches at the speed of light, interview off putting guests and perform daily written stand-up monologues all on one show. Here are 20 hilarious moments from The Tonight Show over the past 70 years.
JayWalking: Citizenship Test
One of Jay Leno’s signature bits was his segment, “Jay Walking” giving the host/comedian the chance to interact with people off-script and on a one-on-one basis. This selection of Jaywalking featuring the US citizenship test is a special treat. Who doesn't love making people look stupid?
Jack Black & Jimmy Fallon Recreate The More Than Words Music Video
There is nothing like grabbing one of your best buddies, growing out your ponytails, painting your fingernails, and recreating one of the most intimate videos in music video history.
Johnny Carson Steals Letterman’s Truck
When Carson drove through letterman’s neighborhood and noticed what an eyesore his truck was, he decided to steal it and have it as a guest on his show.
Man On The Street Featuring Tom Poston, Louis Nye, & Don Knotts
Hop into this time machine of a sketch and see Barney Fife tell you how he beats the heat.
Don Rickles & Johnny Carson Take Pot Shots At Each Other
Two comedy giants and great friends take turns ripping one another apart. Rickles is the undisputed king of insult comedy, but you can see how tickled he gets when Carson gives it right back.
Norm’s Send-Off For Conan On The Tonight Show
Norm brought Conan a beautiful basket as a send-off for his short-lived Tonight Show run, unfortunately, he bought it a few months prior. “Congratulations Conan on finally securing your place as permanent host of The Tonight Show.”
Paul Newman Vs Jay Leno Go-Kart Race
In what may sound like the description of a fever dream, Jay Leno challenged Paul Newman to a go-kart race around the NBC studio.
The Chad Smith & Will Ferrell Drum Off
Chad Smith from the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Will Ferrell look nearly identical, leading to a years-long rivalry between the two. Thankfully Fallon facilitated a final drum off to put to rest who is the better drummer culminating in a recreation of Ferrell's classic cowbell sketch. Also, yes, Ferrell is totally playing those drums himself.
Steve Martin Has To Leave
Steve Martin is a very important man who had to leave before the show was over!
Johnny Carson Fights A Baboon

When Jim Fowler brings a baboon onto The Tonight Show, it is clear from the start that this was not the right monkey to bring on the show. Eventually, the monkey gets so riled up that he socks Carson right in the kisser. The whole bit ends with a pretty dynamite baboon impression from Johnny, or perhaps he's trying to hide that his lip is blowing up like a balloon.
Ed McMahon Drunk On Carson
Carson’s trusty sidekick appears to have something other than coffee in his mug, and keeps the show moving right along.
Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon Ride A Rollercoaster
Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon face their fears and ride the Hollywood Rip Ride Rock It Rollercoaster at Universal Studios. The real treat starts when they board the rollercoaster, and their late-night personas fade away into actual fear.
Chris Farley Is Star-Stuck By Judith Light
Chris Farley’s childlike glee from the prospect of Judith Light revealing her skimpy dress, is nothing short of gut-busting to watch. A great veiwing if you're a fan of The Chris Farley Show sketch from his SNL days.
Andy Kaufman’s Elvis Impression
Before there was Austin Butler there was Kaufman, the comedic savant that inspired hundreds of comedians to do what they do with his perfect Elvis impression.
Carson’s Signs To Grab The Audiences Attention
Carson felt that on New Year's Eve it was possible that some people may be partying too loudly to hear what was actually happening on the show, so he made these signs to grab the audience's attention.
Steve Martin is The Great Flydini
In a rare stand-up act from Steve Martin, he performs under the magician persona, “The Great Flydini," performing using only his fly and the magic in his heart.
Leno’s 99 Cent Store
Leno showcases some the treasures he’s found from the 99 cent store in this recurring bit from his reign. “Look, it’s the Family Hacksaw!”
Carrot Top on Leno
Say what you will about Carrot Top, but comedians know that he's got one of the most original acts on the market to this day. Here he is pre-shredded, showing off his toys on Leno all the way back in 1995.
Carson’s Carnac The Magnificent
One of Carson’s most famous bits, Carnac The Magnificent is a classic bit where the punchline comes before the set up, resulting in the set up becoming the new punchline. Like if Jeopardy wrote jokes!
Leno’s Stuff We Found On eBay
You’ll be blown away by the amount of money someone will spend on toast with the face of Obama burned into it, and we have Leno to thank for that information. Great to know where I can buy my next “Cup-O-Beard.”
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Top Image: NBC