Scrubs: 15 Highlights Of Turk And JD’s Bromance

Name a better duo than Vanilla and Chocolate Bear.
Scrubs: 15 Highlights Of Turk And JD’s Bromance

The original TV bromance has to be the relationship between J.D. and Turk on Scrubs. Chocolate Bear and Vanilla Bear had been through everything together since they met in college, whether it be emotional growth, relationship problems, or Garry Marshall sitcom cutaways. Here are 15 of the best bromance moments between Bambii and Doctor Turkelton.

Multi-Ethnic Siamese Doctor

A classic J.D. and Turk character is, of course, Multi-Ethnic Siamese Doctor, a character who somehow did not receive a spin-off after the show ended.

Guy Love

Have you ever had a friend you love so much that a hospital patient with a brain tumor imagined the two of you singing a brotherly love song? Well, Turk and J.D. can’t say the same because of their song “Guy Love” from “My Musical.”

J.D.’s Turk Impression

When you’ve been around your best friend long enough that you can do a 100% perfect impression of them, and J.D. and Turk are the proof.

Steak Night

J.D. and Turk's yearly tradition of eating as much steak as they can on “Steak Night” is accompanied by their trademarked steak night dance. If you and your best friend don't have a yearly song and dance tradition, re-evaluate your friendship.

Brady Bunch Tiki Necklaces

As a gift for Turk, J.D. buys them matching Tiki necklaces from “The Brady Brunch Goes To Hawaii.” “Nanananananaaaa!”

J.D.’s Dream Woman Is Turkiot

The fact that J.D. realizes his perfect woman would be a combination of both Turk and Elliot, is both sweet and creepy. Sorry, Turkiot.

J.D. and Turk Get Leather Suits

JD and Turk Leather Suits


The time J.D. and Turk got matching Eddie Murphy leather suits was adorable, but concerning. I can’t imagine how much baby powder must be going on in there.

J.D. and Turk’s Emotional Connection

Most of the time only couples who have been through copious amounts of couples therapy can communicate like this but for J.D. and Turk, it’s second nature.

Turk Is Back From His Honeymoon

J.D. greets Turk coming back from his honeymoon like a puppy greeting its father back from work. What more can you ask for in a Vanilla Bear?

J.D. and Turk Are A Little Married

Turk: “Dude we’re a little married.”

J.D.: “I know. I  love it.”

J.D. Was At Turks Honeymoon

Even though Turk and J.D. greet each other with such vigor when Turk returns from his honeymoon, it turns out they weren’t separated for all that long. 

Turk And J.D.’s Best Moment

Let’s be honest if this happened to you and your buddy, it would be your best moment of all time too.

When J.D. Saved Turk's Life

On the brink of being attacked by angry motorcyclists, J.D. saved Turks life with the help of a scooter and a giant bush. This has happened to my friends and I several times too and I always end up having to be the one in the bush.

The World’s Most Giant Doctor

Who could forget that Sacred Heart was home to the world's most giant doctor? 


One of J.D.’s favorite moves is the “eagle,” but it never feels better than when Christopher Turk is the one holding his girth below.

J.D. and Turks Dancing

When Turk brings J.D. to an “African-American club” alongside Carla, J.D. can’t help but bust out his best moves, and Turk couldn’t be happier.

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