Good Lord, Recast Ezra Miller Already

I see that Ezra Miller’s name is trending, is there a new Flash trailer out?
Oh my, no. It’s far worse than that.
What’s going on?
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Well, the most recent development in the ongoing saga of Miller’s alleged awfulness is a report in Rolling Stone, claiming that Miller is “hosting a 25-year-old mother and her three young children at their Vermont farm.” The unnamed mother has stated that she is fleeing a “violent and abusive ex.”
That doesn’t sound so bad.
Well, the article also mentions that their property is littered with guns. While one viral Tweet about the story used a stock photo that made it seem like Miller is armed like an old-timey pirate –
– according to footage reviewed by Rolling Stone, there are “at least eight assault weapons, rifles, and handguns lying around the living room.” Some are even “propped up next to a pile of stuffed animals.” And allegedly, a one-year-old child “picked up a loose bullet and put it in her mouth.”
There are also reports that Miller’s property is an unlicensed pot farm, and that they are co-running a company called “Rebel Alliance Cannabis” – which makes sense since the heroes of Star Wars routinely put small children in danger.
Wasn’t there another scandal involving Miller like a week ago?
We’ve talked before about how Miller was arrested in Hawaii for disorderly conduct at a karaoke bar – which must have been pretty significant considering that “disorderly conduct” is pretty much standard operating procedure for most karaoke bars.
Then, earlier this month, the parents of 18-year-old activist Gibson Iron Eyes accused Miller of grooming their child since they were 12, supplying them with “alcohol, marijuana and LSD” when they were underage, and physically abusing them. According to the parents’ legal complaint, Miller has displayed "cult-like and psychologically manipulative, controlling behavior."
Gibson “denied allegations that they were being controlled by the Flash actor” and the court was unable to locate Miller to serve them with papers – although they did post a now-deleted Instagram meme taunting the cops: “You cannot touch me, I am in another universe.”
This is by far not the most important issue right now, but … what’s going to happen with the solo Flash movie?
It’s already been shot and is coming out in the summer of 2023!
As of now, Warner Bros. hasn’t issued any kind of statement about the recent allegations against Miller – although reportedly, executives held “emergency meetings” about the issue in April and decided to “pause future projects involving the actor.”
Although it sure seems like, at this point, they need to reshoot Miller’s scenes, possibly with a CGI recreation of Christopher Plummer. This would obviously be a huge expense; but how do you release this movie now? We’re not just talking about the film itself, think of all the ancillary marketing tie-ins that come with your average superhero blockbuster? Are they really going to stick Miller’s face on cereal boxes and cologne bottles at this point?
And Warner Bros. has no one to blame but themselves (okay, also Ezra Miller) because filming on The Flash didn’t begin until April 2021 – a full year after a video surfaced showing Miller choking a female fan at a bar in Reykjavik, Iceland. Even at the time, this prompted some fans to launch a petition urging the studio to recast the role of The Flash with … really anyone who doesn’t violently attack innocent strangers.
But for some reason, Warner Bros. decided to sit back, keep Miller in the role, and wait and see how this all played out … and now they have a $200 million dumpster fire on their hands.
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Top Image: Warner Bros.