'Doctor Strange' Trailers Spoiled Too Much (Says The Head Of The MCU)

'Multiverse of Madness' trailers spill (most of) the beans, to Kevin Feige's frustration.
'Doctor Strange' Trailers Spoiled Too Much (Says The Head Of The MCU)

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is finally out, which means that fans are FINALLY getting to experience all of those exciting and surprising moments ... that they already knew were coming because of the trailers. Seriously, this movie's marketing campaign went from teasing a familiar silhouette here and a voice there to just straight up spilling the beans on a couple of big moments, as if the people who'd be excited to see (SPOILER) or (SPOILER) weren't already going to see this movie. Did you think Marvel went overboard with the spoilers in this one? Well, Marvel agrees. 

Or, at least, Marvel Studios' president Kevin Feige seems to, based on his comments at the film's red carpet event. 

When asked if there's any part of the movie he was particularly excited about fans seeing, Feige said, "There's been too much in the trailers, I don't want to talk about anything else" (for those curious, his answer to the question ended up being "the 3D"). This makes sense considering that Marvel is usually so fanatical about preventing spoilers that they aren't above straight-up lying to us. There was the time they added Hulk to the Avengers: Infinity War trailer, even though Bruce Banner can't hulk out in the movie and has resorted to using mechanical aids by that point. 

Avengers and Hulk running in Wakanda in Infinity War trailer.

Marvel Studios

They could have put everyone in a Hulkbuster armor to throw us even more off the scent. 

Another trailer for this movie erased Thor's new weapon, Stormbreaker, making it look like he's doing a fist pump for some reason ... 

Thor minus Stormbreaker in Avengers: Infinity War trailer.

Marvel Studios

This would have been way more believable if they'd started playing "Don't You (Forget About Me)" at this point. 

... and, while at it, also airbrushed a couple of Infinity Stones off of Thanos' gauntlet to make it less obvious that he gets all of them by the end. 

Captain America fights Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War trailer.

Marvel Studios

Captain America fights Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War trailer.

Marvel Studios

Chris Evans doesn't look too happy about being misled like this. 

The Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer had an even more elaborate lie: it showed Peter in his regular Spidey outfit, since the fancy Iron Spider one would have spoiled the fact he comes back to life in Endgame, to the shock of the 15 people who really thought Marvel would kill off their most popular character forever. 

Spider-Man gives thumbs up next to Aunt May in Far From Home trailer.

Marvel Studios

Spider-Man gives thumbs up next to Aunt May in Far From Home trailer.

Marvel Studios

It was this or show him as a pile of floating dust. 

And then, of course, there's the trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home that showed the Lizard fighting with thin air so that Marvel and Sony could continue pretending Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield weren't in this movie. 

Spider-Man versus Electro, Sandman and Lizard at Statue of Liberty in No Way Home.

Marvel Studios

At first, we all thought "No Way Home" referred to the Lizard's struggle with dementia. 

So why the different approach for Multiverse of Madness? Why have you stopped lying to us, Marvel? Do you not love us anymore? At least it looks like they're getting back into the habit with Thor: Love and Thunder, judging from this strangely-framed shot of Thor and Korg that sure looks like a third person/alien should be standing with them. 

Thor and Korg in Love and Thunder trailer.

Marvel Studios

It's clearly gonna be Vincent D'Onofrio as Thor the mechanic from Adventures in Babysitting

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Top image: Marvel Studios, TonyStank1434/Wikimedia Commons 


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