15 Jack Black Now-You-Know Facts

Castle Rock EntertainmentJack Black Isn’t His Real Name
Jack Black was born with the name Thomas Jacob Black on August 28, 1969, in Santa Monica, California. He eventually went by Jack as a nickname.
Thank goodness he changed it so we could have the yin and yang that is Jack White and Jack Black.
Jack Black Gives Back

BBC Studios Entertainment Productions
Jack Black has a history of charitable giving with one highlight being a trip to Uganda for Red Nose Day that changed his life, saying he “couldn’t help but think of his own children.” He also appeared in a charitable episode of The Price is Right, raising over $70,000 for the Society of Women Engineers.
He Starred In An Atari Commercial
Black’s first television credit is a commercial for the Atari game, Pitfall. Jack was just 13 years old at the time of the commercial.
Jack Black Didn’t Play Guitar Until He Was 23
From food fighters to Foo Fighters.
Black convinced future bandmate Kyle Gass to teach him guitar in exchange for meals from Jack in the Box.
One Of Jack Black’s Earliest TV Appearances Was On Mr. Show
True Mr. Show fans may already know this one, but a young Jack Black appears in a few episodes of the first season, showcasing his thunderous voice for all to hear.
He’s A Member Of The Frat Pack
Black is a member of “The Frat Pack,” a group of comedic actors that controlled the early 2000’s. The other members are Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Luke Wilson and Owen Wilson.
He's Nervous About Talk Show Appearances

Broadway Video
Black said in an interview with People, “You don’t have to be smart, but you have to have something. There’s a lot of pressure. I start trying to think something up to say about a month in advance.”
He Was A Troubled Youth
At the age of 14, Jack got mixed up with the wrong crowd and ended up with a severe cocaine addiction. Black told Parade, “I was hanging out with some pretty rough characters. I was scared to go to school one of them wanted to kill me. I wanted to get out of there.” Black ended up switching to a new private school to “press the restart button.”
Tenacious D’s First On Screen Appearance Was In Biodome
Believe it or not, there is something redeeming about Pauly Shore’s Biodome. Tenacious D make their first on screen appearance as a band in a scene at the college quad.
Jared Hess Was The Mastermind Behind Nacho Libre's Quips
Jack Black has often said that Jared Hess, who directed Nacho Libre, would tell him exactly how to say the lines in the film. Black gives him much of the credit for many of the quotable lines from the movie.
Jack Dropped Out Of College

MTV Films
Jack Black attended UCLA for 2 years to please his father, but eventually dropped out to pursue acting full time. Black said, “I needed a place to make some connections. College was very important to my father. I was trying to make him happy. And I thought UCLA could lead to a career. It didn’t.”
His Parents Were Satellite Engineers
While Black may be a comedic genius, his parents were… genius geniuses. Both of Black’s parents were NASA satellite engineers. Black has said "They're rocket scientists. I'm a rock scientist."
Black Gashed His Eye Open On Nacho Libre

Jack Black ended up with a large gash above his eye after diving from the ring in Nacho Libre. The producer’s insisted on flying in “the best plastic surgeon in Mexico” to repair Black’s eye, leaving him with only a tiny scar.
Jack Black’s Top 5 Albums

Black’s top 5 albums are, 1. Radiohead, The Bends (1995), 2. Liz Phair, Exile in Guyville (1993), 3. Devo, Freedom of Choice (1980), 4. Black Sabbath, We Sold Our Souls for Rock ‘N’ Roll (1976), and 5. The Pixies, Surfer Rosa (1988).
Who knew this guy was so into rock and roll?
Jack Black Is Responsible For Led Zeppelin In School Of Rock
In order to get Led Zeppelin to allow School Of Rock to use their music, Jack Black sent them a plea video in front of the entire audience of the battle of the bands scene begging the band to convince them. The band was tickled pink by the video and allowed the film to use their tracks.
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Top Image: New Line Cinema