Home Improvements The Future Will Bring, If It Has The Balls

Home Improvements The Future Will Bring, If It Has The Balls

Isn't it annoying how you have to walk all the way to your refrigerator to get a beer? And how your TV won't give you a hand job while you're watching The View? Why hasn't technology fixed these inconveniences?

We asked you to photoshop the home improvements you want to see from the future, and offered $50 to the winner. That winner is below, but first, the runners-up:


by The Edge Will Cut You


by Karly


by McBeefy


by BooBooKittyFvck


by asi66


by CountBaqula


by jarek


by blemm


by laterali


by pizzamogul


by Marsupial


by bunker6

And the winner is...

by blemm

Congrats, blemm. You win money.

Want in on this?

You'll have another chance. This week's theme is:

Campaign Ads if the Legal Voting Age Was Six.

We're entering the full campaign ad bombardment season and at some point, you're going to ask yourself if these things could get any more stupid and immature. Well, let's find out. What if the legal voting age was lowered, so that campaigns had to target 13 year-old girls? Or 10 year old boys? Or first-graders? How would they reach all of these new, powerful demographics?

Post your entries in the forums.

If you'd like to see the many worthy submissions that didn't make it, check out the submissions thread. Or take a look at What The World Would Look Like If The Other Side Won The War. For pictures too strange to make up, but not to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.

Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know.

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