Playstation's Most Mysterious, Lost Game (Finally Gets Solved)

Back in 2020, we learned about Garage: Bad Dream Adventure, the PS1's rarest, most mysterious, and definitely eeriest game. The reason for its rarity is that it only saw the light of day in Japan through a very limited release; the reason for the weird mystery has been "Who the hell knows?" That is until now. Combined with its grim aesthetic and obtuse gameplay, the title earned it the reputation of little more than a fake game some 4chan troll had come up with – but the bad dream has always been real.

Sakuba Metal Works
Internet archaeologists managed to acquire the game's code, but the discovery was mostly useless as it just made the game's status go from "myth" to "artifact taken from a weird and likely very kinky alien civilization." Understanding how to play it proved a challenge while understanding the plot proved mostly impossible – even for Japanese speakers. That's no longer a problem, though, because its devs were crazed kind enough to convert the entire thing to a much more accessible HD package.
It's even been translated into English!

Sakuba Metal Works
But worry not, as the devs have explained the plot, a risky move that managed not to kill the eerie magic because the actual story is even more disturbing than expected. Turns out the main character isn't some kind of alien who's like that by design; we play as a human being who was somehow turned into this:

Sakuba Metal Works
To better understand the mind behind this game, we need to know that the thing we're forced to embody is a "Psychotherapeutic machine," so living life through it is meant to be a positive experience. While we attempt to digest that, we also need to learn that every other character in the game is living through the same type of ordeal, but the game gives the conflicting information that the others have no hope of escaping their "therapeutic" machines to return to their bodies – and ours is running out.

Sakuba Metal Works
The game is about escaping Garage to re-enter the main character's human (we hope) body. We do so by performing various adventure-game style tasks, like fishing crabs that we then feed to lady robots that will – in an unnecessarily sexual manner – turn them into fuel that we need to move around. We then proceed to escape that world by comp– okay, yeah, you want to know about the sex part, and you've made it this far, so you deserve it, just don't expect it to be much of a treat.

Sakuba Metal Works
The devs decided that the only thing this nightmare was missing was psychosexual shenanigans, so the entire game features a constant alternation between sexual undertones and very sexually suggestive imagery. It Might sound sexy, but it's mostly just disturbing. In fact, in a world populated entirely by hopeless monstrosities, the most disturbing moments come from visiting actual women – who have been imprisoned in sci-fi vats.

Sakuba Metal Works
If you find the picture above disturbing in any way, the recommendation here is that you don't look for more of the game's images because that's the least gruesome we were able to find. If that actually turns you on (your mind, that is), a good way of thanking the devs for going through the trouble of resurrecting this alien corpse of a game is to acquire it for the measly sum of $4.99.
Top Image: Sakuba Metal Works