Car Insurance Should Be Comforting. Clearcover Makes it That Way.
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After nearly two years of being cooped up, even something as simple as driving to the grocery store can seem like a rollicking good time. You should be able to enjoy your ride to work, the gym, or your kid's practice with peace of mind. Unfortunately, filing claims, getting paid, accessing customer service, and paying the lowest monthly bill you can without sacrificing coverage can be challenging. According to the Insurance Information Institute, around one in every eight drivers is uninsured, which feels like a lot.
But if you've ever been in need of a policy or help with repairs and struggled to get fast support from your provider, feeling uninspired to sign up is understandable. For those who are already insured, it's worth remembering that you can switch or shop for new providers at any time. Take Clearcover for example. Clearcover is smarter, tech-driven car insurance that provides exceptional coverage at a great price. Currently live in 20 states, this modern insurance provider makes it easy to get set up with a policy straight from your phone, saving young, busy professionals precious Netflix-binging time.
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Clearcover is modernizing car insurance for the better, making filing claims easier and getting paid fast a reality, and with around-the-clock customer support, the company's digital-first approach is a huge reason why so many people are leaving big-name providers for it. Amber E., who has saved over $2,000 per year since switching over from American Family, praises her coverage, writing, "Clearcover is easy and hassle-free compared to other providers." In addition to positive reviews from customers like Amber, Clearcover's car insurance has also been praised by the likes of Insider, Reuters, and many more top publications.
To try it out for yourself, head to Clearcover and get a free, no-obligation quote. Within minutes, you'll have a rate you can compare with other providers before making a purchase.