We’re Giving Away Comedy Albums To Grow Your Vinyl Collection

This isn't a revelation anymore, but vinyl is back! That includes comedy albums. In order to help you keep up with the (not so) latest trend, we've teamed up with the legendary Stand Up! Records to give you a chance to grow your comedy-on-vinyl collection. We're giving away three (3) bundles of four (4) comedy specials on vinyl. Enter your email below for a chance to be one of three winners who will get all of the following:
Adam Quesnell - Egghead (7-inch vinyl single): Quesnell’s a soldier in the ongoing Easter candy turf wars, and here, he's stanning for Cadbury Creme Eggs (in joke form)
Don't Miss
Derek Sheen - Tiny Idiot (yellow vinyl): Recorded in Chicago, Sheen is prepared wean himself off anti-depressants and spread the joy. From the most detailed flight of fancy, birds-eye view of the life of a hipster meat barista to an exploration of the Old Testament as the most insane Dungeons and Dragons quest you’ve ever gone on (Salt pillars? Giants? Laser Angel Babies?) and the New Testament as an ode to hobos and hippies who love tapas.
Jenny Zigrino - JZs New Album (baby pink vinyl): Jenny Zigrino is kind of a bad ass bitch. Exuberant yet subversive, “JZ’s New Album” is a celebration of brassy, ballsy ambition from a woman who truly knows how to slay, all day.
Dana Gould - Let Me Put My Thoughts In You (black vinyl): Dana Gould is the gold standard of intelligent, reasoned, adult comedy. That, and he’s got a Satanic puppy monologue straight out of Shakespeare. Irresistably funny, irrepressibly logical, and eminently listenable, “Let Me Put My Thoughts in You” is the record you won’t stop quoting.
Enter your email below for your chance to win!
Note: Sweepstakes is open February 14-20. Those wishing to enter can do so above or via any sign-up module that appears on cracked.com. On Monday, February 21, three (3) winners will be randomly selected as recipients of one (1) bundle of vinyl containing each of the records listed above. We'll reach out to those people via email to get their shipping address. The winners will have three (3) days to reply or we'll select a new winners. The process will continue until all three bundles are claimed. Odds of winning are based on the number of entrants as of February 21.
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