If Dating Apps Were Honest (VIDEO)

What would happen if dating apps like Tinder, Match.com, Bumble and others were actually honest? They'd sound kinda like this.
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Roger Horton: Jack Hunter
Writer: Zanandi Botes
Director: Dave Brown
Assistant Director: Jordan Breeding
Director of Photography: Daryl Pittman
Editors: Dave Brown, Jordan Breeding
Sound: Mike Schoen
Woman: Katie Culligan
Man: Trevor DeSaussure
Set Designer: Caitie Hirabayashi
Production Assistant: Ruda Yi
https://www.wired.com/story/online-dating-apps-are-a-disaster/ https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2020/02/06/the-virtues-and-downsides-of-online-dating/ https://www.psypost.org/2021/07/new-study-indicates-that-potential-partners-experience-a-large-penalty-for-being-black-on-dating-apps-61545 https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3v8bx/non-binary-people-dating-app-problems
https://theconversation.com/nsw-police-want-access-to-tinders-sexual-assault-data-cybersafety-experts-explain-why-its-a-date-with-disaster-159811 https://www.bumblemessagingsettlement.com/
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