If Hard Seltzers Were Honest (VIDEO)

White Claw Summer is out, and Horton's Hard Poison Fizzy Summer is IN.
Check out our new store for Roger-related merch like this shirt!

Roger Horton: Jack Hunter
Writer: Tara Marie
Director: Dave Brown
Assistant Director: Jordan Breeding
Director of Photography: Daryl Pittman
Editors: Dave Brown, Jordan Breeding
Sound: Mike Schoen
Seltzer Woman: Katie Culligan
Set Designer: Caitie Hirabayashi
Production Assistant: Ruda Yi
Product Design: Greg Breeding
SOURCES: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/voraciously/wp/2019/09/10/the-key-to-white-claws-surging-popularity-marketing-to-a-post-gender-world/ https://alcoholjustice.org/news-2/blog/1391-hard-seltzers-big-lies
Tara Marie writes words at places like here, Panel X Panel, and the Hard Times. She's also done words at a comic in Trailer Park Boys: Bagged and Boarded. You can tell her your favorite Holiday movies @TaraMarieWords or just tell your friends and family; they probably care more. Check out Jordan's other work or connect on Twitter. Catch up with Dave Brown on Instagram.
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