The Terrifying (Inevitable) Future of Advertising

The Terrifying (Inevitable) Future of Advertising

No man can know what the future will look like, but we're willing to go out on a limb and say that 1) there will still be advertising and 2) it will be even more annoying than it is now.

We asked you to show us what the future of annoying ads would look like via photoshop, and offered $50 to the winner. That winner is below, but first, the runners-up:


by ElZombieCharro


by getfreshdesigns


by DoctorDig


by penperv


by faaafv


by SoupIsMoney


by damnluckydog


by BooBooKittyFvck


by The Hulk


by codespyder


by Saccharin


by themikeflynn


by travisdoesmath


by statixx


by ElZombieCharro


by trgdr777


by charlatantric


by McBeefy


by DoctorDig


by berticus


by Curie_Elison


by soxtuff


by dysfunct


by Necroscape


by DoctorDig


by Syphon


by trgdr777


by charlatantric

And the winner is...

by trgdr777

Congrats, trgdr777. You win money.

Want in on this?

You'll have another chance. This week's theme is:

What networks need to do to get us to watch TV again.

Viewership continues to fall as our generation spends more time on the internet and gaming. So what would the networks have to do to get us to watch again? New shows? Improvements on existing ones? Spin-offs? Bringing old shows back in a new way? Ingenius new promotional stunts? Use your imagination and photoshop the results.

Post your entries in the forums.

If you'd like to see the many worthy submissions that didn't make it, check out the submissions thread. Or take a look at What The World Would Look Like If The Other Side Won The War. For pictures too strange to make up, but not to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.

Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know.

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