4 Dumb Ways Hollywood Kills Characters Because They Think We’re Stupid (VIDEO)

There are good ways and bad ways to kill off movie and TV characters that are poignant and not distracting. This is about the second kind.
4 Dumb Ways Hollywood Kills Characters Because They Think We’re Stupid (VIDEO)

There are good ways and bad ways to kill off movie and TV characters that are poignant and not distracting. "Doctor" Jordan Breeding is back to talk about the bad ways in titles like Captain Marvel, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Star Wars, Taken, and many others.

Writer: Mark Hill
Czar Of Audio-Visual Activities: Dave Brown
Editors: Jordan Breeding, Dave Brown

Based on Mark's article: https://www.cracked.com/article_26979_real-talk-star-wars-has-weird-suicide-obsession.html

Mark is on Twitter and wrote a book. Check out Jordan's other work or connect on Twitter. Catch up with Dave Brown on Instagram

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