'90s Femme Fatales Killed Everyone With Their Legs - Wait A Minute... What?

In the 1990s, when Cobains freely roamed the Earth and Jolt Cola turned children into vibrating corn syrup, a new breed of deadly and mysterious creature emerged. Its habitat was the action movie, and it hunted with a natural weapon as deadly as it was sexy. We're speaking, of course, about the North American '90s Femme Fatale, who always killed her prey by wrapping her legs around its face. In today's episode of Wait A Minute... What? we dig into where in the hell this trope came from.
Hosted by: Melissa Aquiles
Written by: Jack Frederick & Melissa Aquiles
Edited by: Jack Frederick
Melissa Aquiles - Instagram/Twitter/YouTube: @MelissaAquiles
Jack Frederick - Instagram/Twitter/YouTube: @JackFrederick
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