The Mods of New Jersey's Official Twitter Account Deserves A Raise

Official social media pages are truly a unique, and often very rocky, terrain. From the overly curated celebrity Instagram feeds to the godless world of fast food Twitter, branded social media accounts are always doing the most to make themselves stand out online, and reach the fleeting goal of viralocity.
Yet one page stands above the rest, a shining beacon of wholesomeness and humor rising aloft the dumpster fire that is our digital sphere -- New Jersey's official Twitter account. Yes, the northeastern state of New Jersey -- lovingly dubbed "the armpit of America," famed for the Jersey Shore, Chris Christie yelling at people to get off the beach and Kellyanne Conway's teenage daughter (a.k.a "datjerseygirl" on TikTok) -- runs a truly god-tier Twitter account.
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Even before we get into the content itself, let's just take a moment to admire their 10/10 branding. A default pic of Baby Yoda holding the garden state itself -- a little dated, but a nice reminder of the world before everything burst into flames. A banner of that one Italian hand-talking emoji, yes, that one -- truly iconic and self aware. Funny, memey, but not too pandery. In other words, a nice oasis in the scorpion-filled wasteland of Twitter.
From championing public health ...
To encouraging voting with local wildlife ...
To explaining seasonal traditions ...
To roasting New York ...
To roasting New York some more ...
(And sometimes even roasting Texas) ...
The two women who run this glorious page (Megan Coyne and Pearl Gabel) truly deserves a raise, from one former social media manager to another. In short, NJ Twitter wins social media ... although they're absolutely and entirely wrong about deep dish not being the food of the gods.
For more hot takes on deep dish and Twitter brands, follow Carly on Instagram @HuntressThompson and on Twitter @TennesAnyone.