Legally, Can The Victims Of 'Get Out' Be Cured?

Get Out ended on probably the happiest note that it could, all things considered, but only because it left a lot of questions up in the air.
Will anyone believe Chris when he says he had to massacre an entire nice suburban family because they were trying to body snatch him? What kind of self-respecting millennial uses Bing? And what happened to the rest of the Armitage family's victims? Provided that Chris isn't immediately dismissed and/or jailed and the Armitages back up their data, their activities are about to be super exposed, which means the discovery of a whole lot of people walking around with the brains of crusty old rich folks.
The right thing to do is to cure them, right? We know it can be done. Sure, they'll still have someone else's brain in their head, which isn't an ideal way to live, but at least their consciousness can be brought back into the foreground and they can regain control over their bodies. But can they? Like, legally speaking? They'd be essentially killing the other person squatting in their heads, or at least holding them captive in total isolation. It's no worse than what was done to them, for sure, but that's not how the law works, and if you think old rich people get up in arms about the right to life when it's just an anonymous clump of cells, imagine how much they'll fight for it when it's their spouses. You bet your ass they'll have better lawyers, too.
Does Roe v. Wade cover this? That ruling only protects a person's right to choose for themselves to give an unwanted bodily invader the boot, and, by the nature of this situation, a third party would have to make the decision. After all, the last time we saw the only person capable of reversing the reversal, she was bleeding out onto one of her many antique rugs. New York doesn't have the death penalty, especially not for crimes that have only recently been invented, so they can't just be conveniently bumped off that way. Can they even be prosecuted? Imprisoning a victim alongside the person who victimized them seems like the exact opposite of justice.
These aren't questions our best legal minds have ever had to answer before, so Andre Hayworth et al are likely looking at a long and ridiculous legal debate over evicting those rich assholes from their heads. God forbid someone accidentally takes a twilight selfie nearby and has to prove they didn't do it on purpose in an act of artistic vigilante justice.
The world is not ready for the Instagram defense.