12 Deals That Will Transform Your Space

This piece was written by the Cracked Shop to tell you about products that are being sold there.
Staying in is underrated. It's cheaper across the board, you can keep out anyone you don't like, and you don't even have to put on pants with the right crowd. But nobody's going to want to come to your house if the only things in it are a laptop and a "couch" made of milk crates and prayers. These deals can help you make your space feel cool, comfy, and entertaining enough that the gang will stop making excuses to go out. It might also be the pants. You're on your own there.
Street Fighter II: Champion Edition X RepliCade 1:6 Scale Arcade Machine
MSRP: $119.99
Full disclosure: The man in that photo has been shrunk. He and the machine are both about a foot tall. But you don't have room for a full arcade system anyway, right? It is fully playable using the original controls, running the original game ROMs so you can do all the Ryu vs. Ken battles you want.
TaoTronics 120" 16:9 Projector Screen
MSRP: $29.99
Even if you had room in your budget for 10-foot TV, you probably wouldn't have any physical room left in your apartment. This screen will take up a lot of wall space but not much else, so you can feel like you're at the theater every night, but not in the eyeball-grazing front row.
PhiGolf: Mobile And Home Smart Golf Simulator With Swing Stick
It's like having TopGolf in the house! This state-of-the-art portable golfing system lets you play some of the world's most famous courses, and even has a swing trainer to help you shave some strokes off your game. Pro tip: It's all in the hips. That one's a freebie.
AAXA S1 Mini Projector For Nintendo Switch
MSRP: $312.99
This sweet little projector sets up anywhere, so you can project your Switch screen on to any larger flat surface. No longer will you and your friends have to crowd uncomfortably closely around a tiny screen to play Mario Party. You're starting to have a Pavlovian response to the smell of Kevin's shampoo, and it's getting weird.
MSRP: $49.99
Simultaneously less and more cool than regular flip cup, this miniature set works on a smaller scale, and the cups are like shot glasses. That time you tried to play with full-size Solo cups of tequila did not go well.
"How Far Is A Light Year" (Framed Print, White Frame)
MSRP: $69
It's time to take down that Fight Club poster and get yourself some real grown-up art. This framed 20" x 24" portrait is by Alexander Grahovsky, a Spanish digital and traditional illustrator who loves to play with comic themes and strong colors. Feel free to yank that line whenever your friends ask about it. They'll think you're super smart.
Jamstik+ Portable Smart Guitar
MSRP: $299.99
Sale Price: $279.99
This portable guitar looks like it's just a neck, but it plays (and wails) like a regular guitar using digital programming. It's halfway between Guitar Hero and a real guitar, so you can legitimately brag about your electronic rendition of "Dust In The Wind."
GlowBowl (R) Motion-Activated Toilet Nightlight -- Two-Pack
MSRP: $32.50
If the party's a real success, you're going to have a gaggle of friends draped across your furniture until the next day, and you want to make any middle-of-the-night bathroom situations as foolproof as possible. GlowBowl (R) lights the way as soon as it detects you entering the bathroom, so it's basically a big neon sign that says "Put whatever is coming out of your body here and only here."
MSRP: $75
"Puff, puff, pass" is an inherently social activity, but this sleek, compact smoking device takes it one step further. Not only does it make it easy to puff up anywhere, your Genius Mini has a unique profile page, so you can share all your magic smoking moments with an online community. Think of it like those social media accounts shared by couples, but it's you and your pipe. Way cuter.
SURGE DUO Dual USB And Dual Surge Charging Station
MSRP: $49.99
Rooms with too few outlets are a scourge upon humanity. This hub will save a room from that scourage. Plug into a single outlet, and it will offer up two smart charging USB ports and two additional outlets, so you can charge anything within reach. You don't want to revisit the Great Phone Deadening of 2018.
LG 86" 4K HDR Smart LED UHD TV With AI ThinQ (R)
MSRP: $2,999.99
The mother lode. The Big Kahuna. The coup de grace. This massive 86" TV has a 4K HDR display and runs on the award-winning LG webOS, which integrates with your smart home, offers fast app selection, and uses AI ThinQ (R) for voice control. The only thing it won't do is lift your drink to your face, but we hear they're working on that.