Area 51 Meme-Inspired Porn

The Area 51 raid is the meme that will not die. Right when we thought it was over, a crowd gathered in the vague vicinity of Area 51, and one brave soul among them Naruto-ran across a desert horizon behind a reporter. And just like that, new life was breathed into the joke. And now, because of the vicissitudes of human civilization, there's a porn parody. Here's the safe-for-work trailer:
The trailer is brief, but it tells you everything you need to know. Two buxom urban explorers intent on uncovering the mysteries of the infamous government installation find more than they bargained for, in the form of a green alien's suspiciously human-like phallus.
Porn parodies are a dying art, and it's easy to understand why. Nobody wants to earn their orgasm by sitting through a 65-minute bad version of a movie they like, but with sex. Sites like Pornhub are all about getting to the literal climax as fast as possible -- which, incidentally, sticks truer than most mainstream filmmaking to the old advice to start a story as close to the ending as possible. But Pornhub is also helping to revitalize this genre, bringing us this new film by the company Wood Rocket, which specializes in porn parodies.
Now think about how crazy this is. The Area 51 Facebook group so deeply penetrated our collective psyche that it merited a porn parody. These movies seem like economically sound investments for the same reason remakes and reboots are for "real" studios. You know your story has hit it big when filmmakers want to retell it, just worse and with hardcore sex scenes functionally serving the same purpose as musical numbers and car chases. You're starting off with built-in brand recognition and a preexisting fan base ... and then you add anal. It's a no-brainer. You're making money hand over fist, and that fist is deep inside Marge Simpson. This puts this meme right up there with dozens of beloved movies, TV shows, and Sarah Palin.
Luis can be found on Twitter and Facebook. Check out his regular contributions to Macaulay Culkin's And listen for his "Meditation Minute" segments on the Bunny Ears podcast.
For more, check out The Clickbait Company Behind That Sexy Mister Rogers Costume and Twitter Is So Toxic That Even Disney Won't Buy It.
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Naruto run on over to our Facebook page, why don't ya?