If Websites Came With Warning Labels

Who hasn't been horribly scarred by at least one thing they've seen on the web? Pretty much all of us have come across a site that's made us wish someone had just warned us about it before it had a chance to destroy part of our soul.
We asked you to photoshop some website warning labels and offered $50 to the winner. The winner is below but first, the runners-up:
by Sanchez
by dbr
by jaufwa
by Darren_Darby
by flyguy1823
by damnluckydog
by Inyarear
by MrBallistic
by Darren_Darby
by pheedell
by damnluckydog
by Loorep
by SoupIsMoney
by nicksmarto
by McBeefy
by Sanchez
And the winner is...
by codespyder
Congrats, codespyder. You win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. This week's Photoshop contest theme is:
James Bond Bongs: Devices For the Discreet Drug User.
Let's face it: It's just not acceptable to pull out a bong in most social situations. Today's busy stoners are counting on you to come up with ingenious devices that would let them get high in almost any setting. You can look at our article on very elaborate and very real undercover flasks for inspiration, then fire up Photoshop to come up with the illicit drug versions of those.
Post your entries in the forums.
If you'd like to see the entries from this week that didn't make it, see them here. Or check out our look at 20 Features the Next iPhone Should Totally Have. Or, for pictures too strange to make up, but not to make fun of, check out The Daily Craption Contest.
Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know.