The Pyramids Used To Look NOTHING Like They Look Today

Years of weather damage and plundering have made the exteriors of the Egyptian pyramids look like dusty, crumbling relics, possibly because that's what they are. But before time took its toll, the pyramids were smooth, shiny, and almost looked like they were each made of one huge piece of stone dropped straight from the heavens.
Mumm-Ra sold separately.
The pyramids were originally covered in a limestone shell that sparkled in the sun, all but blinding anyone within viewing distance. Clearly, the Egyptians were going through some sort of glam rock period at the time.
It's easy to forget that the ultra-familiar image of the pyramids today isn't even close to how they looked when they were originally built. They've just experienced just a wee bit of wear and tear since being built around 2550 BC. Let's see how shiny YOUR body is after 4,500 years.
You know what's better than pyramids? Cubes. Rubik's Cubes.
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