Chill. You'll Probably Survive A Plane Crash.

Plane crashes terrify nearly everyone. There's just something about that rare combo of flames, hurtling, metal, and the ground that isn't a whole lot of peoples' cup of tea. But the main reason people fear plane crashes is that even though they're rare, when they do occur, they're always fatal, right? Surely no one could escape falling out of the sky in a chunk of metal?
Except 90 percent of people in plane crashes survive.
3 percent of whom are Harrison Ford.
Out of the 53,487 people involved in the 568 U.S. plane crashes between 1983 and 2000, 51,207 lived to participate in further surveys about plane crashes. As it turns out, the people who engineer the planes and the people who fly them are pretty good at their jobs. The former have done everything they can to ensure that a plane suddenly doesn't turn into a piece of folded paper when faced with stress, and the latter are trained to handle most situations, whether they be a chunk of the side suddenly coming off or a gremlin-monster scaring William Shatner badly enough for him to cause a scene.
So what's the big secret key to "surviving" plane crashes? It's written all around you. Making it through one often has less to do with luck and more to do with reading the "Fasten Your Seat Belts" warning correctly. Just another thing to keep in mind the next time you DARE to tune out some viral safety video in which nine popping and locking dancers in chrome suits teach you how to slip a thing into another thing.
The best planes are model planes -- like the Spruce Goose!
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