5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See

Actors, like all human beings, sometimes make terrible, below-30-percent-on-Rotten-Tomatoes decisions.
5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See

With the possible exception of the madness-fueled robot we call "Nicolas Cage," most actors are only human. And like all human beings, they sometimes make terrible decisions. Terrible, tone-deaf, below-30-percent-on-Rotten-Tomatoes decisions. In fact, even some of our most cherished celebrities have movies in their pasts that are hilariously backward by contemporary standards. Such as ...

The Night Before -- A Wacky Teen Movie About Keanu Reeves Selling His Prom Date Into Sex Slavery

Long before he kicked ass as John Wick, battled evil computers in The Matrix, and ... did whatever it was he did in The Lake House, Keanu Reeves was in a little movie called The Night Before. The 1988 teen comedy was kind of like The Hangover, but '80s-er, with a young Keanu trying to find his date after waking up in a filthy alley with no memory of what went down on prom night.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Kings Road Entertainment
Alternate title: Dude, Whoa's My Car?

In flashbacks, we learn that his date, Tara (played by Full House's Aunt Becky), was forced to go to prom with the hideous bridge troll that is Keanu Reeves after losing a bet.

And because I lost, I have to go to the biggest dance of the year
Kings Road Entertainment

With someone I wouldn't normally go with
Kings Road Entertainment
It's in her contract that she can only date characters played by ageless vampires.

On the way to the big dance, Keanu's car breaks down in the scaaary ethnicity-filled downtown. The couple are forced them to take shelter in a nearby dive bar, where Keanu is immediately roofied, seemingly by a Genie.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Kings Road Entertainment
Kidding, this is how every nonwhite person dressed in 1988.

In desperate need of money and with drugs coursing through his pubescent veins, Keanu accidentally sells Tara to a pimp for 1,500 bucks.

And I need some money ... like fast!
Kings Road Entertainment

Kings Road Entertainment

$1,500, that's it! Tito goes no higher
Kings Road Entertainment

Bucks-0-rama! Who is this guy? Monty Hall?
Kings Road Entertainment
"I wouldn't touch those bills without protective gloves."

After recovering this icky memory, Keanu immediately scours every brothel in town, eventually finding Tara handcuffed in a seedy motel -- and surprisingly cool about the whole situation.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Kings Road Entertainment

It's alright, Winston
Kings Road Entertainment

As you can see, modesty counts for nothing around here.
Kings Road Entertainment
"Eh, who hasn't sold a girl to a pimp once or twice?"

Then her new pimp, "Fat Jack," bursts in and tries to rape her. It was presumably at this point that most 1988 audiences began to seriously regret that they didn't just go see Beetlejuice again.

How would you like to make it with me?
Kings Road Entertainment

Make it with you?
Kings Road Entertainment
"If you mean this movie, it's too late for that."

After Keanu thwarts Fat Jack, the pair escape. And of course, all of this prompts Tara to fall in love with the guy who sold her into sex slavery. This movie doesn't merely fail the Bechdel Test; it flunks Bechdel class, gets thrown out of Bechdel school, and is forced to work at Bechdel Arby's for the rest of its life.

Soul Man -- Julia Louis-Dreyfus And James Earl Jones Were In An '80s Blackface Comedy

If released today, Soul Man would probably cause Twitter to cosmically implode like the Poltergeist house. Why? The movie finds a rich white kid named Mark struggling to raise the money for Harvard Law School after his dad randomly decides not to pay up. So Mark does what any of us would do: gets a job and a student lo- wait, no, he purposefully overdoses on experimental tanning pills in order to claim a scholarship for African American students.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New World Pictures

Once at Harvard, even law professor James Earl Jones is fooled by Mark skillfully answering "Right on!" during attendance.

acl Oo u v
New World Pictures

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New World Pictures
"Where did Mark go, and how did this Asian lady get into my classroom?!"

The illusion isn't perfect, though, because Mark's bad at basketball -- which, as we all know, is a thing black people are good at by default. If this sounds like a stupid scene, also keep in mind that it's set to the song "Soul Man," rerecorded by original artist Sam Moore and celebrated racist Lou Reed, who thankfully restrained himself from donning blackface for the music video.

Even people who know Mark somehow don't clue into what's going on. In one scene, he runs into a friend played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Backed into a corner, he throws on pair of sunglasses, bobs his head like Ray Charles, and it inexplicably works.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New World Pictures

New World Pictures

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New World Pictures
The three other characters are all legally blind.

Mark realizes he did a bad thing ... after getting caught, conveniently. He amazingly wins back the respect of James Earl Jones after admitting that he didn't truly understand the black experience, because he could have stopped taking his magic pills at any time. Also, his girlfriend (who's black for real) somehow forgives him.

To say that this half-assed happy ending in any way engages with any real issues of race in America would be tantamount to claiming that Ghostbusters offers a somber reflection on mortality.

Love Potion No. 9 -- Sandra Bullock Co-Starred In A Rom-Com About Magical Date Rape

In 1992, only a few years before hitting it big with a string of movies about the dangers of public transportation, the internet, and Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock co-starred in the romantic comedy Love Potion No. 9. The movie is based on the hit 1960s song of the same name, and presumably some screenwriter's gross fantasies.

Biochemist Paul (played by Tate Donovan) keeps striking out with women. Then, while randomly visiting a "gypsy" (which is a thing people do), Paul is given a love potion.

This is what you need.
20th Century Fox

Paul takes the potion back to his lab, where he and his partner (Bullock) discover that it actually works. If you take the potion and talk to a member of the opposite sex, they basically become your sex slave. People of the same sex, however, become violent and hostile -- because apparently in this universe, gay people aren't allowed to use magic.

So Paul and Sandra Bullock decide to test the potion out on themselves for ... science? Paul heads out on the town and chats up a woman who turned him down earlier. This time, she immediately dry humps him in the middle of a bar.

My name's Cheryl.
20th Century Fox
"Wait, that's not cyanide … eh, what the hell, take it anyway."

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
20th Century Fox
And this was before all bars had designated dry hump areas.

Then he refuses to have sex with her -- not out of concern that he has blatantly violated any sense of consent, but out of petty spite for her rejecting him earlier. After that, in a scene that might not play so well today, Paul furthers his scientific research by loading his glove compartment full of condoms ...

20th Century Fox

... and heading to a college campus.

20th Century Fox
To hand them out for free along with pamphlets about chlamydia?

This is followed by a montage of Paul doing it in every room of a sorority house, before he eventually gets arrested -- but only because men aren't allowed to be in sorority houses at night. Not because, you know, he's literally a rapist.

Meanwhile, Sandra Bullock is using her newfound powers to date super rich guys, and for some reason also gets a total makeover. Only a movie made by dudes would have a woman with an all-consuming power over men radically alter her appearance to make herself more attractive to the guys she's brainwashing.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
20th Century Fox

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
20th Century Fox
She even got complete dental surgery!

Of course, Paul falls in love with her -- but then she falls in love with her ex, who's also doping with the potion. Luckily, their ensuing wedding is broken up by Paul's sex worker friend, who's also on the potion. That goes well:

You god damn whore!
20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
20th Century Fox

Paul eventually breaks the spell and makes out with Sandra Bullock. Then the final shot implies that this was all part of the psychic's plan. Hopefully she has a potion that magically gets rid of about a thousand STDs.

The Van -- Behold Danny DeVito's Sex Van Movie

For moviegoers in 1977 who thought Star Wars was desperately lacking in sex vans, there was The Van, a sexploitation movie about a guy who buys a van for the sole purpose of having sex in it. That's it, that's the entire premise of the movie.

Crown International Pictures

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Crown International Pictures
Sure, the Millennium Falcon was cool, but did it smell like ass all the time?

The main character, Bobby, then ventures out into the world, using his van to try to pick up women, like a horny version of the Scooby-Doo gang. The van contains a waterbed and a mirrored ceiling, so naturally, it's an aphrodisiac on wheels.

It's also worth noting that The Van co-stars a young Danny DeVito as Bobby's boss. It's a relatively small part, though you wouldn't know it from modern copies of the movie, which shamelessly try to cash in on whatever audience would be super into softcore porn starring the Penguin.

Mill Creek Entertainment
Yes, they get us every time.

At first, Bobby has trouble luring women into his van. There's a scene in which the hero of the movie assaults a woman, and another in which he unknowingly hires a call girl. The rest of the film is mostly nothing but him doing it in a van. The filmmakers were so committed to that premise that there's even a scene wherein Bobby and a young woman are in a house, on a couch, with a bed nearby, and they still go out to the suspiciously TARDIS-like van to have sex.

Crown International Pictures

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Crown International Pictures
"I hope you like it tiny and cramped."

And while DeVito doesn't get any hot van action, he does lose a bunch of money gambling and get repeatedly punched in the balls by angry bookies.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
Crown International Pictures

So there's that.

Heart Condition -- Denzel Washington's Racially Charged Buddy Ghost Comedy

Denzel Washington is one of our greatest living actors, which is why it's so unnerving to go back and watch him in a movie that tried to fix racism with ghosts and dick jokes. 1990's Heart Condition stars Bob Hoskins as a bigoted cop, Jack, whose girlfriend has been seeing her lawyer Napoleon (Denzel) behind his back. In the opening scene, Jack chases down and almost shoots Napoleon for running off with his clients' purseful of crack.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New Line Cinema

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New Line Cinema
Exactly like they teach you in law school.

After failing to shoot him in the head, Jack instead knees Napoleon in the dick and calls him the N-word. Replace the N-word with "Toon," and it's pretty much the same movie as Who Framed Roger Rabbit?.

Soon after, Jack has a heart attack, and coincidentally at the same time, Napoleon is fatally shot (not by Jack). Of course, Denzel is an organ donor and his heart ends up in ... Jack. The hilarious situation of a black man dying and donating his heart to save Jack's life is commemorated by his friends putting a giant black dildo in his hospital bed.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New Line Cinema

New Line Cinema
Pictured: six dicks.

Jack freaks out -- not because his friends are such friggin' jackasses, but because the doctors put a black person's heart in his body. Then, in what is presumably a common side effect of this type of procedure, Jack starts being haunted by Napoleon's ghost. When Denzel isn't making jokes about being a ghost or how his dick is "as big as a Shetland Pony's," he helps Hoskins woo their mutual ex-girlfriend ... who also secretly had Denzel's baby.

Then a killer pimp kidnaps and almost murders the baby, so Denzel and Hoskins team up to take out the pimp while simultaneously fixing racism forever.

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New Line Cinema

5 Old Movies Famous Actors Don't Want You To See
New Line Cinema
"Of course! We had to kill a pimp who kidnapped the secret baby of a ghost. Why didn't we try this sooner?"

People have pointed out that for all of this movie's attempts to address racial tensions, it's incredibly racist -- like how despite being a lawyer, Denzel's character acts like a pimp, what with all the prostitute wrangling and crack possession. And in the end, his character is turned into an "absentee father" for essentially no reason. This movie is so bad that there was even a rumor that Washington canned his agent as a result. The worst part, though, might be the film's international title:

New Line Cinema
"Well, he's also a father, how about-"
"You're fired too."

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For more, check out Embarrassing Early Jobs Famous Actors Hope Nobody Remembers and 6 Insane Celebrity Side Project Fails (You Never Knew About).

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