The Secret History Of The French Horse-Butt Sniper

Two of the most crucial components to warfare on the battlefield are 1) camouflage, and 2) The constant need to stay one step ahead of your opponents. The following story contains both elements in spades, as well as a literal horse's ass.
During a World War I battle on a mostly desolate field, the French army noticed that a horse had been killed near the German trenches. From there, after a probably hilarious conversation, they surmised that the Germans would never expect a sniper to be stuffed inside a dead animal (remember that Empire Strikes Back was still decades away). At night, they constructed a papier-mache horse and switched it with the real one, then planted a sniper inside the fake horse with a gun port right where the anus would be.
This went on for three days, which is way longer than any "Operation Snipe Through Horse Anus" has any right to go on. It was finally foiled when a German saw what must've been a terrifying sight: a dead horse giving birth to an armed Frenchman, who immediately ran away. The Germans destroyed the equine decoy, but that didn't stop the French from using this same insane tactic again and again throughout the war.
Did you like that Star Wars joke we made? Somebody apparently did, because they decided to make a Tauntaun sleeping bag.
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