Gluten? Bacon? What’s Good Or Bad For You Right Now

Scientists seem to constantly change their minds about what's good for you and what's bad for you. One week eggs are the most important part of a healthy breakfast; the next week they're artery-exploding death capsules. So we've taken it upon ourselves to keep up with the latest health news, and summarize it for you here.
Source: U.S. News & World Report
Source: The Washington Post
Source: ABC 15
Source: Wired
Source: Newsweek
Source: Newsweek
Source: The Conversation
Source: The Irish Times
Source: Women's Health
Source: Newsweek
Source: CBS News
You know what's always going to be good for you no matter what? Listening to Africa by Toto.
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For more check out What's Good OR BAD For You Not? (11-09-17) and 26 Things You Do Every Day That Are Bad For Your Health.
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