Planes, Pence, And Other Weird Stories You Shouldn't Miss

There's a lot of important news out there that definitely deserves your attention. This isn't it. These are the weirdest, what-the-fuckiest headlines that somehow got buried in the sea of rational stories, this week. You're welcome.
Source: KHON2
Source: The Guardian
Source: Market Watch
Source: The National Post
Source: CNN
Source: The Guardian
Source: The AV Club
Source: Reddit
Source: Venture Beat
Source: BBC
Source: UPI
Source: The Aspen Times
You can plant a big rainbow flag anywhere you want too. We'd recommend somewhere outside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500.
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For more check out The 6 Most Insane Things Happening Right Now (12/5/17) and 21 News Stories (Almost) Too Ironic To Be Real.
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