Who Is The Culprit Behind The Sephora Eyeshadow Caper?

This Sephora incident is becoming quite the hotbed of debate. Apparently there was a trail of little glittery footprints in the wake of the eyeshadow attack. While we can all agree that the soles of the perpetrator's feet must look fantastically glam, there's a lot of moral triangulation going on. Some are accusing the poster of the incident of "mom shaming." Others are directing their ire at the mystery mother, whose hellion is murdering innocent palettes. But before we start a witch hunt, let's look at the facts: our only evidence is the trail of small, glittery footprints. Are we sure this was a child? Or could it be... stay with me here... could it be leprechauns?
I know what you're thinking. "How could leprechauns get all the way from Ireland to Georgia?" Well, first of all, boats, and also, leprechauns have access to unholy magical powers. Who's to say they can't use rainbows as portals to other continents? Besides, there have already been leprechaun sightings in America.
So, we've established that leprechauns have the means to access the Sephora. They have tiny feet that would produce the footprints found at the scene of the crime. Now comes the critical piece of the puzzle: a motive. What motive would a leprechaun have to destroy eyeshadow? It's just an innocent palette full of many different colors... an entire rainbow of colors. That's right. Leprechauns, who hold a monopoly on rainbow production, are trying to sabotage the competition. They're like the De Beers Diamonds of rainbows, and Sephora's competing colors must suffer "a little accident." Looks like this rainbow ends not in a pot of gold, but a pot of crime.
For more check out What Stupid News About Millennials Is There Now? (11/12/2017) and What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (11/12/2017).
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