Obama Showed Up For Jury Duty And Was Dismissed (Duh)

Barack Obama was dismissed from jury duty because, no duh, having the former freakin' president on the jury would be incredibly distracting. Can you imagine being the unlucky defendant to have an ex president on the jury? Here you've spent your whole life working at your craft at becoming a serial killer, only to have Obama waltz in and steal your thunder. Lawyers routinely dismiss "experts" from the jury, especially legal ones. It complicates the proceedings as they bring in outside knowledge to the courtroom. Obama is a former lawyer (and president) which would be incredibly frustrating for an attorney to deal with. How are you supposed to defend your client when Obama struts in and shows off drone footage he has on his phone of the defendant doing crimes?
Even if Obama was able to contain his god-like powers and be a model jury member, who the hell is going to voice dissent against him during deliberation? He's the goddamn ex president. Nobody wants to be known as "that butthole jurist who made us all stay late because he was busy arguing with the former president."
For more check out What's Good OR BAD For You Now? (11/04/2017) and What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (11/04/2017).
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