'Grab 'Em By The Pussy' Video Is Playing Near The Whitehouse

I know you're all probably thinking, "This is going to do nothing to shame Trump." And you're right! Seeing his Access Hollywood remarks playing on a loop is probably only going to flatter him. "Who's that plucky handsome underdog bravely talking about how he likes to sexually assault women. Oh it's me? Great!" he'll probably think, and go back to devouring an entire fried chicken leg, bone and all. He's likely going to stare at his looping visage like a parakeet unable to look away from a mirror. He's never shown any shame in being a creep, and he's not going to start now. But that's not the point of the protest.
The activist group responsible for the looping video, UltraViolet, stated, "That man may now sit in the Oval Office, but we will not let him--or anyone else--forget the tape or those comments." The important part is "anyone else," because this tape is more for us than it is for Trump. We're subjected to an absolute deluge of stupid news coming out of the White House every day. His Tweets, his political stunts, his stupid comments, the many scandals-- it's so much information, and such stupid information, we can't possibly keep up with it all. So all the new stupid news is overwriting all the old stupid news, and so understandably, things slip our minds. Remember when he called Mexican immigrants rapists? Remember when he threatened to bomb North Korea? How about when he praised Rodrigo Duterte on all those vigilante murders? It's not that we don't remember, it's that these things are buried under so much new horrible information, you can't possibly keep track of it all. It's like we're all stuck in a giant ball pit, except we're adults and are fully aware that every ball is completely coated in pee and saliva.
So it's not so much that we've "forgotten" about Trump bragging about sexual assault. We just have to pull that memory out from under all those other piss balls now and again. Otherwise we'll forget to come up for air, and we'll drown in all those piss balls.