10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

We were all pretty worked up about a certain trilogy, and it might surprise you that it wasn't 'Kung Fu Panda.'
10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

If we just kept writing about 'Star Wars,' would you just keep gobbling that up? Yeah, probably...

5 Things 'Star Wars' Fans Don't Understand About 'Star Wars'

Star Wars wasn't the film George Lucas set out to make. He couldn't buy the rights to what he wanted to bring to the big screen so he just decided to write his own version. That's all it was.

10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

"The rough draft of Star Wars was an incoherent rambling mess, borrowing entire scenes from other movies."

22 Scientific Explanations That Can Make Life Less Annoying

Yet science cannot assuage snack disappointment.

Why are chip bags always half empty? The extra air is called slack fill, and it's actually nitrogen, which helps protect the chips and keeps them ta

"Between explaining actions and reactions and helping to give us 'Breaking Bad,' science is also pretty useful for telling us all about the little things in life that really bug the shit out of us."

5 Artists Who Faced Death With a Song

By 1991, Freddie Mercury was in the final stages of AIDS. With the help of only some vodka for his pain, Mercury turned in one of the most memorable vocals of his career in just one take.

10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

"A brave 'fuck you' to death from a dying man who never sounded more alive."

21 Amazing Times Nobodies Saved The Hell Out Of The Day

Australia! Is there anything kick ass it can't do?

10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

"We like to give our hard-earned cash money to Hollywood for the pleasure of seeing superpowered sexpots saving the world over and over again. But, as it turns out, we can see normal-powered sexpots pulling off heroic deeds every day if we just turn on the news."

20 Horrifying Things Celebrities Have Hiding In Their Past

And looks who's got the best suits on television now, apartheid mfers!


"We like to look down our noses at famous people for their luxurious, exorbitant lifestyles -- believing that all that overindulgence somehow discredits them as contributing members of society. Well, you know, not all those folks are really deserving of such harsh judgements."

27 Mind-Blowing TRUE Star Wars Behind The Scenes Stories

Straight from Carrie Fisher, ladies and gentlemen.

Think Leia's slave gil costume was sexy? You have no idea. According to Carrie Fisher, the gold bikini was hard plastic that didn't move with her body

"Every film has its share of nutty behind-the-scenes stories. But when you have a series as grand as the Star Wars saga, the crazy story factor gets dialed up to 11."

Pagan Orgies to Human Sacrifice: The Bizarre Origins of Christmas

Kissing under mistletoe most likely goes back to the pagan belief that the white, sticky goo from the berries was the semen of the gods, because nothing says first kiss quite like a money shot from the divine.

10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

"Christmas was not, as it turns out, miraculously handed down as a fully formed holiday, complete with wrapped gifts and blinking lights. Rather, it is a rich tapestry woven from countless inexplicable and pointless customs."

5 Reasons The Dark Side Isn't As Bad As You Think

Every single word that comes out of Obi-Wan's mouth in the first Star Wars movie is a bold-faced lie meant to manipulate a naive farm boy into killing his own dad.

10 Cracked Posts Everyone Went Nuts Over Last Week - 12/20

"The light side of the Force resists change and progress on all fronts, while the dark side not only accepts change but embraces it. It's constantly trying to improve. Those are good instincts! We should be encouraging them, not suppressing them!"

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