Cracked Round-Up: Dick Joke Edition.

Q: Why did the Priest, the Rabbi, and the Clarinet player player go to Michigan?
A: Flesh-worm!
No, we're not proud of that. Give us a break. Do you have any idea how hard it is to work this hungover? Last night was Cracked's annual Goat Sacrifice to the Old Ones, and Swaim broke out the vodka/Windex smoothies early. We can still hear the bleating.
Bucholz kicked things off with a guide to cult ownership, while Robert Brockway showed us why you can never go home again. Seanbaby classifies modern pedestrians using famous toss-ball players. Dan O'Brien drops the curtain with a hateful and largely incoherent rant about Stevie Wonder. That'll teach the fucker.
![]() Sadly, knowing why your body sucks won't help it to suck less. |
Notable Comment:
"Do people actually think dinosaur and humans did NOT co-exist?!?!"
Of course not, evilmoxie. If dinosaurs and humans never co-existed, how did Ian Malcolm break his leg?
![]() Unless you're one of those people who just wants to punch everyone in the face. |
Notable Comment:
"What f**kwits -.- "
Svc eloquently summarizes the article.
![]() Surprisingly, most Hollywood screenwriters know a lot more about cocaine and Ukrainian prostitutes than they do about mental illness. |
Notable Comment:
"Haha..."hippocampus"....what is that, like, like a school for hippos? Nah I'm just kiddin' with ya, you're alright kid. "
CharlieSouth, assassins have been dispatched to your domicile. Make peace with death.
![]() "We'll just hire some wino to write the script in exchange for whiskey. Kid's can't fuckin' read anyway." |
Notable Comment:
"How the hell did you leave out the works of Jack Chick? Chick Tracts are the most fear-mongering and brain-washing thing to ever be printed in comic form! What a miss. Otherwise this was a great article. "
Sorry Alzarahn, Jack Chick's stuff is just too retarded. Even for this article.
![]() This one goes out to all you wusses in the suburbs. If your house doesn't baffle passers-by, you aren't doing it right. |
Notable Comment:
"Oh god look at spock's mustache I'm so wet right now. "
reckless abrandon's comment can stand on its own.
Agents of Cracked
![]() Swaim is dead. |
![]() We're practically giving money away! Wait, not practically. Totally. We're totally giving away money to people, people with mediocre to decent Photoshop skills. People like you. Wouldn't you like to be a person like you? This week, you can be by entering our latest contest, Worst Job Ever. |
Kids today, all they do is sit on their ass...
by Gatt
Editor's pick:
Turns out the pony's one trick was actually pretty cool.
by Versus
F*** you Nintendo, I just wanna be able sit on my couch again.
by yeahme
Editor's pick:
Sometimes the Make-a-Wish Foundation just has to go along with it.
by geniuswaitress
Lady Gaga takes charge of the KKK's custumes.
by noreport
Editor's pick:
Why can't the Grinch steal this shit instead?
by Blinker_Fluid
One giant leap in the wrong direction.
by Awesominator
Editor's pick:
It's hard to write a good craption when you have a raging erection.
by Mr.Excalibur
There are four rules to World of Warcraft Club..
by Tessica
Editor's pick:
The annual "Let's Never Do Anything Ever" parade.
by TrogdorRules
Rorschach's Journal: Sucks losing bets to Comedian.
by Soneji
Editor's pick:
Excuse me, can you tell us where they're holding Mexi-con?
by Ceveron
After the Orcs invaded, Christmas became much more fun.
by Kamikaze Phoenix
Editor's pick:
Fire. How original.
by Valthonis