Crackedoids: Viggo Keeps It Real Edition

They're satisfying and might even make you look smarter. We call them Crackedoids.
Crackedoids: Viggo Keeps It Real Edition

We took whole articles, and then, using a USDA-inspected process, selected only the finest informational snouts and hooves and lovingly crafted the equivalent of fact hot dogs -- for you, the Internet. Share them with your unenlightened friends on social media -- or put them in your scrambled eggs.

They're satisfying and might even make you look smarter. We call them on the pics for more!

6 Iconic Movie Scenes That Happened by Accident

Viggo keeps it real, unlike a certain CGI Gollum.

CRACKED In The Fellowship of the Ring, when another actor misjudged a throw AnD accidentally flung a knife at Viggo Mortensen's face at high velocity,

The 5 Worst Deaths Written for Great Characters (And Why)

The only acceptable option here would have been death by snu snu.

Captain Kirk was shoehorned into Star Trek: Generations when the writers literally said Why don't we kill Kirk? He got squashed by a falling bridge

The 5 Most Badass (And Possibly Insane) Athletes Of All-Time

In 1978, the "heavyweight champion of the ABA" went to Uganda - possibly as a mercenary. Then he disappeared without a damn trace.

CRACKED The coach of ABA player John Brisker once hired an exfootball player to practice with the team and gave him instructions to flatten Brisker it

The 5 Strangest Things Evolution Left in Your Body

It's not a talent that would turn Professor X's head, but still pretty cool there, Wiggler.

Can you wiggle your ears? If S0, congratulations. 85% of people can no longer control their Auriculares muscles, which once gave us directional contro

5 Ridiculous Animal Myths That You Probably Believe

You're not off the hook on this one, sociopaths. Tearing a living thing in half is typically not beneficial or without consequences for that thing.

Crackedoids: Viggo Keeps It Real Edition

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