CRACKED ROUND-UP: Out of Ideas Edition

CRACKED ROUND-UP: Out of Ideas Edition
Do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with new ideas for the round-up every week? Not very. But we've been stretched pretty thin this week, cleaning up after Dan's failed cock-fighting/hair salon venture and trying to figure out where Brockway hid all of the keyboards*.
*His rectum.
Ever wanted to commit horrific crimes and then get away with bragging about them? These guys did, and by reading Soren's article you can learn how to be just like them. If advice on fighting unholy animated toys is what you seek, Chris Bucholz has what you need. For variety's sake, Cody threw some Harry Potter slash fic up, while Robert Brockway spoilered some upcoming M. Night Sillyname flicks. Dan O'Brien closed us out with a list of six words he wants banned. Hey Dan? Moist Moist Moist Moist Moist.
![]() Remember guys, there's a sweet spot between "life-long abstinence" and "death by cirrhosis at age 25". |
Notable Comment:
"Number one is definitely only there to encourage insecure women to drink more and therefore get picked up by seedy men. "
epic_ellen, we really prefer the term "sketchy" to "seedy". The difference is primarily semantic, but it helps us feel better about ourselves when we're buying cases of beer for 18-year-old sorority girls with poor judgment and worse eyesight.
![]() Re-read this article any time the world seems to make a little too much sense. |
Notable Comment:"Figures that America as we know it was caused by beer."
To be honest, Necroskull, we're pretty sure that alcohol was involved in virtually every momentous decision in history.
![]() Steven King, HP Lovecraft and a full vial of acid couldn't come up with a world more horrifying than the fucking ocean. |
Notable Comment:"I love alligator gar! I seriously want to get a large pond for one or two of them. Pretty much everything on this list is something I'd want to keep as a pet or go swimming with."
In the coming war between Man and Sea, GrahamHunt will be one of the first against the wall.
![]() Damn, folks. Since when is screaming yourself hoarse and then calling in with a flu not good enough? |
Notable Comment: "If there weren't beautiful people, we wouldn't know what an ugly person would look like."
Wisdom from JimmyJohnson.
![]() So yeah. If you ever complain about anything ever again you are basically a gigantic pussy. |
Notable Comment: "I find the idea of a woman attracted to a katana and a fighter jet to be possibly the most gratifying image my brain has ever thought about"
malachi has some strange preferences in his fantasy threesomes.
![]() A new "thing" begins.
![]() We're practically giving money away! Wait, not practically. Totally. We're totally giving away money to people, people with mediocre to decent Photoshop skills. People like you. Wouldn't you like to be a person like you? This week, you can be by entering our latest contest, Reality TV Shows We'd Actually Watch
Jim tearfully says good bye to his Pet Rock, which had finally grown too large for his apartment and had to be released back into the wild.
by metsfan
Editor's pick:
There's a better way to kill ants, but you can't tell Sven anything when he's drunk.
by Julius_Goat
"Uh... you're 18, right?"
by Versus
Editor's pick:
72 virgins and they're all police officers... that's just fucking great...
by Backinblack
Not very aerodynamic. That's a lot of drag.
by GaseousClay
Editor's pick:
Amelia Earhart didn't die, we just kinda wish she did.
by Ceveron
Brought to you by the letters W, T and F
by savinator
Editor's pick:
Mr. Rogers performed the ceremony. It was beautiful.
by jtklove
With parents like these, I don't blame The Joker one bit
by ForAReason
Editor's pick:
The most normal person in this picture is wearing nothing but his underwear, in the middle of a field.
by seltuim
I'll come back when the Pink Ranger is available.
by Versus
Editor's pick:
Uh, I'd be sure to hang on to THAT receipt...
by jrkinnard
Why do I feel like having this picture on my computer is going to result in the feds smashing through my door
by bcanders
Editor's pick:
This is the only playground zone where cars are allowed to speed up
by bcanders