Cracked Round-Up: Searing Bowel Pain Edition

Never ever try an anal vodka bong.
The week started off with a scary story from Cody. Bucholz followed up with an article about this decade's identity. Seanbaby made fun of barren spinsters while Robert Brockway pretended to be a private dick. Dan O'Brien closed us out with his annual heart-warming Christmas poem.
![]() We're pretty sure toy designers do a lot of blow. |
Notable Comment:
"Those Spider-Man toys are Hilarous. Have you seen the Spider-Man bow & arrow sset from China? You shoot the arrow from his crotch! "
That sounds shamefully erotic, likalaruku.
![]() Curse our lazy human penises. |
Notable Comment:
Cara272 says, "I was expecting to find the opossum. It's got a forked dick, goddamn it."
Thanks to a tragic can-opener mishap, so does Swaim.
![]() Deep within the heart of every murdering, heartless psychopath is a good Samaritan just waiting to get out. |
Notable Comment:
"The Stones were staying on an island and the hells angels plan was to take a boat over there to kill Jagger. The boat sank halfway and the fat old bikers almost drown. I do belive Mick might be the devil. "
You may be onto something, nana. Has anyone ever seen Satan and Jagger together at the same time?
![]() Shows like these remind us why writers need editors so very badly. |
Notable Comment:
"Yeah, basically what Lupedajedi said. I thought Family Matters was boring until Steve Urkel started becoming more of a main character. I loved it. It was my favorite Sitcom as a kid. "
Hamsterjelly, you are what is wrong with television.
![]() Lies are the backbone of the film industry. |
Notable Comment:
"I like it when when people point out things like this. It makes me feel smarter to know all our favorite movies have glurgesque dark undertones. "
Psychic_cowman, what the hell does glurgesque mean?
![]() Five more minutes. |
![]() We're practically giving money away! Wait, not practically. Totally. We're totally giving away money to people, people with mediocre to decent Photoshop skills. People like you. Wouldn't you like to be a person like you? This week, you can be by entering our latest contest, Great Figures, Caught With Their Pants Down. |
Don't get any closer ... The ship is protected by a Wacky-Waving Inflatable-Arm-Flailing Tube-Man.
Editor's pick:
You sunk my battleship! Ha, ha. No, but seriously, you killed three of my friends.
by Blinker_Fluid
Art Thou Ready To Rumble???
by Kamikaze Phoenix
Editor's pick:
Knight takes Rook with an elbow to the face.
by TaterTots
No wonder Asian hamburgers taste funny
by LoboBrunt
Editor's pick:
The monthly "Mocking of the A Minus Students" procession gives the rest of the world insight into Japan's need to excel.
by yeahme
The Trojan Whore
by bryp777
Editor's pick:
She is going to give those terrorists SUCH a scolding!
by Julius_Goat
One Clown, 2 Many Cups
by Kamikaze Phoenix
Editor's pick:
"As your new neighbor, I'm legally required to tell you what I do with these cups..."
by Kamikaze Phoenix
Free hugs are free for a reason.
by BrendanMcGinley
Editor's pick:
It is very hard to balance a coffee cup and your dignity. One out of two isn't bad.
by Julius_Goat
But do you recall . . . the most f**ked up reindeer of all?
by Julius_Goat
Editor's pick:
That's the last hunting trip I take with HP Lovecraft.
by BrendanMcGinley