The 7 Most Deeply Disturbing Deaths In Disney History

Kids, like adults, love it when bad things happen to bad people. As such, Disney movies always make sure the villain gets what they've got coming to them in the end. And sometimes, they get what they've got coming and way, way more ...
Ursula From The Little Mermaid
Ursula is a sea witch, which any marine biologist will tell you means "eight-legged obese mermoctopus." After the movie's heroine, Ariel, meets Prince Eric ("Eric"? Really, Disney?), she decides that she absolutely must become human, probably due to the limitations of human/mermaid sex. Ursula gives her a set of legs in exchange for her voice. Being evil, she makes the trade at the bottom of the ocean. Ariel becomes human and almost drowns, barely managing to make it to shore, and Ursula, who's somehow a heavy smoker, cackles raspily because she totally saw that shit coming.
The Horrific Death:
Near the end of the movie, Ursala blackmails Ariel's father, King Triton, into giving her his magical trident, the One Ring of The Little Mermaid. This allows her to transform into a giant super-Ursula and control the weather.
Eric (ugh), deciding that he's had quite enough of this shit, steers a ship through a whirling vortex of doom and uses its bowsprit to freaking impale Ursula right through the gut.
For whatever reason, this causes lighting to strike her for an effective electro-stab combo. If they'd only stuck an explosive in her mouth, they would have covered the shark kills from all four Jaws movies.
Ursula screams in agony and falls back into the ocean, the saltwater and electricity searing through the massive open wound in her belly and charring her huge, exposed intestines (that last part is implied but not shown). The horror of this fresh in everyone's mind, the king gets his trident back and makes everyone happy and everything better, somehow. Is there no problem a large-scale impalement can't solve?
Scar From The Lion King
Scar is King Mufasa's brother. He not only conspired against and subsequently killed his own brother, but also tried to kill his nephew and (presumably) boned his late brother's wife. This is the sort of thing that goes on all the time among lions, but nobody makes a fuss until they start talking.
The Horrific Death:
When the fully grown Simba finally returns from his frolicking adventure with some comedy relief, he returns, likely hoping for some kind of peaceful resolution. Scar is having none of it, despite that fact that he's an old rag next to Simba.
After the longest, least-sexy catfight ever, Scar is thrown from the cliff and finds himself in front of his hyena minions -- the very same hyena minions he just sold out to Simba a few moments before. The hyenas question his leadership skills and quit their jobs, leaving Scar to think about what he's done. Oh no wait, they tear him to shreds.
Fun fact: Hyena jaws are strong enough to crush bone. We of course have no way of knowing which part of Scar's body their teeth ripped through first, so we're forced to assume it was his dick.
Shan-Yu FromShan-Yu is a Hun warlord who invades China, encouraging Mulan to pretend to be male in order to join the military in her elderly father's place. At one point, she uses a cannon to bury Shan-Yu's army under an avalanche, and to be frank, those fuckers got off easy.
The Horrific Death:
Mulan, whom the movie repeatedly demonstrates is the sole competent human being in China, follows Shan-Yu alone, eventually climbing onto a roof to set up an elaborate trap. Shan-Yu uses his Hun ninja powers to jump through the roof right next to her. Using her fan, Mulan manages to pull his sword out of his hand (it's a cartoon). Just as she is about to kill him, the assistant producer reminds her that this movie needs a G rating. So she uses the sword to pin his cloak to the roof and kicks him instead. Our bloodlust looks like it's going to go woefully unsated. But wait!
It's Deus Ex Machina, the friendly dragon, come to help her! He fires a rocket the size of Texas, strong enough to lift the 600-lb man off his feet and torpedo him into a building crammed full of miscellaneous fireworks. Kapoosh.
So basically, it's the ludicrously violent death from Naked Gun, only instead of being played for laughs, it's the climax of a kids movie. Burning chunks of Hun fall from the sky, always kept barely off-camera or behind a firework, as everyone below celebrates. Seconds later, his charred penis falls neatly into the mouth of a hyena. Probably.
Clayton From Tarzan
Clayton is a hunter who visits Tarzan's neck of the woods. Everything from the red scarf to the tiny-ass mustache gives off clear douchebag signals. He's the neighbor your father used to hate. Worse, he turns out be a hunter of gorillas (not actually legal), and he shoots Tarzan's adopted daddy to death.
The Horrific Death:
When it comes to jumping around trees in the jungle and swinging from vines, nobody can beat Tarzan, though we suppose a freaking double-barreled shotgun that doesn't need reloading doesn't hurt your cause. Having failed to learn the lessons of history and the first two Rambo films, Clayton decides his superior weaponry is all he needs to fight Tarzan on his own turf. Their struggle ends with Clayton suspended over a cliff, tangled up in vines. He starts hacking away at everything, save for the vines that are tightening around his neck -- which, quite frankly, we would have started with.
Finally, he cuts one vine too many and they can't support his weight. Vines still around his neck, he falls ...
Lightning strikes, revealing the shadow of his dangling, lifeless corpse. Clayton snapped his neck on the vines, and he is left hanging there, his big swollen tongue hanging out, his eyes bulging, and the contents of his bowels slowly making their way down his trouser leg. Or he died from exposure after hanging there for two or three days. Either way, what the hell, Disney?
Gaston From Beauty and the Beast
Gaston is the last thing you would expect to come out of France. He's a big strong hunter who gets all the babes in Belle's town. He brags a lot, and shows off his ultra-manly chest hair almost as often. He ignores the gorgeous blondes who flock after him, instead going after a brunette who has no interest in him whatsoever. This is likely because Belle represents the modern independent woman, who shuns egotistical jerks like Gaston and greatly favors smart guys.
The Horrific Death:
Gaston, most likely jealous of Beast's chest hair, leads an angry mob (torches and pitchforks included) to storm his castle. Because said castle is full of moving, talking furniture, hilarity ensues. After an epic confrontation with Beast, Gaston is left dangling over a precipice. Beast pulls a Simba and spares his life, leading to an understanding and peaceful reconciliation between the two.
No, we're kidding. Gaston promptly stabs Beast in the back, proving that if you have your adversary at your mercy, then for god's sake, finish him off. Gaston is then knocked off the tower and falls into the deep ravine below.
We can't help but wonder if a sunny day's walk in the garden after Belle and the Prince's (formerly Beast) honeymoon wasn't suddenly interrupted by the sight of Gaston's mangled corpse, left there as a warning to all who would cross them.
Syndrome FromIn the old days, when superhero Mr. Incredible fought crime daily on the streets, he met a little inventor kid who wanted to be his sidekick. Mr. Incredible turned him down, and the boy got pissed. After years and years of angsty plotting and becoming the supervillain Syndrome, he finally lures Mr. Incredible to his island to kill him and launch a master plan to ... become a superhero. OK, then!
The Horrific Death:
After the Incredibles foil his plot, Syndrome escapes to steal the family's baby son, Jack-Jack. Child in arms, he flies into the air, laughing maniacally. Jack-Jack then abruptly manifests the power to shapeshift and starts beating the crap out of him. Syndrome drops Jack-Jack and Elastigirl catches him, leaving him without a hostage. Mr. Incredible throws a car at Syndrome's escape plan, knocking him into its engine.
The turbine sucks him up, the razor-sharp blades dicing him into dozens of tiny pieces, turning his body into salsa from the feet up. Mercifully, the plane explodes, ending his agony with a quick fiery death. Who's the superhero now, kid! Not you! Because you're a charred and mutilated corpse!
Frollo FromFrollo is a bigwig judge in Paris. He has a thing for the dancer Esmeralda, but also wants her to burn in Hell for being so ridiculously hot, as evidenced in the best melodramatic song in any Disney movie ever. He also killed Quasimodo's mother and got Quasi to live in Notre Dame Cathedral, never leaving his entire life.
The Horrific Death:
Frollo finally gets sick of Quasimodo, and wants to kill him along with Esmeralda. Quasi grabs his hand right before he can stab him and completely overpowers the old man. Quasimodo saves Esmeralda and runs outside to the Cathedral roof, conveniently setting the scene for a dramatic final battle. Everyone somehow ends up hanging over a ledge, with Esmeralda holding Quasi and Frollo and flames raging below. Quasimodo fails to let go of Frollo and kill him, and once more the hero is punished for that decision. Frollo swings over to another ledge and draws his sword again. As he prepares to decapitate Esmeralda, he quotes ...
... whereupon the gargoyle he is standing on (it's implied that the gargoyle is sentient or an angel or something) breaks and sends Frollo plunging down.
Not just any death. Frollo plunges into a lake of fire clearly meant to symbolize Hell, where his flesh will be burned continually for eternity. Proving once again there is no god more cruel and vengeful than Disney.
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