CRACKED REVIEWS: Talladega Nights

The second collaboration between Adam McKay and Will Ferrell (their first film being a little known ditty called Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy) is based on such a solid premise, and plays so well to Ferrell' strengths, that they could have done anything they wanted with it and it still would have rocked. And rock it does.
We really shouldn't go into too much detail about the plot, since it basically boils down to Will Ferrell as a racecar driver, but here it goes: Ricky Bobby (Ferrell) is destined to be first. After all, his father (Gary Cole) was doing 120mph in his muscle car while Ricky was born in the backseat. At career day, Mr. Bobby tells his son, "If you're not first, you're last," and from that point forward Ricky' got a one-track mind.
Years later, he becomes a racecar driver, gets a hot wife, sires two kick-ass sons (Walker and Texas Ranger) and spends every waking hour with his best friend and teammate, Cal Naughton, Jr. (John C. Reilly, or "that guy from Boogie Nights

McKay slows the flick down through the second half, allowing Gary Cole to turn in a performance as the most kick-ass deadbeat dad ever, and more importantly, allowing Will Ferrell fight a cougar. Also on display, a dead-on lampooning of NASCAR, Sacha "Borat" Cohen going line for line with Ferrell, a sweet hick-rock soundtrack, Granny Law and the single greatest placement of an Applebee' commercial in film history.
Regardless of what the New Yorkers of the world will write about Talladega Nights, throughout most of the film, the entire theater was laughing. Ferrell walks through each scene with such hilarious machismo-"If you don't like Big Red, then fuck you"-that you have trouble trying to hear what else he' saying while everybody is laughing. As it is, the only problem with Talladega Nights is that it doesn't come with a list of quotable lines for you to bring into the office the next day.