R.I.P. Cracked Magazine

Well, we gave it our best shot. That's right, folks: CRACKED Magazine is, as of Issue #3, no longer on newsstands. (Don't worry about the comedy going away, though. Cracked.com's alive and kicking, so keep on checking back.)
At least we can take solace in knowing we weren't alone in heading to that big Remainder Bin in the Sky. Below, some of the other magazines that joined Cracked in cancellation this past month:
Diseases That Grow Under Your Skin Magazine
Short Fiction About Fascist Dictators in Heaven Literary Review
Cracked Magazine Enthusiast Magazine
News and Scandals From Two Months Ago Bi-Monthly Magazine
The Rock Salt Industry Insider
Alternative Lifestyle Albino Digest
Kittens With Compound Fractures Pictorial Review
Urethral Torture Digest
This Week in Spam Mail Digest
Canoeing, Archery & Intestinal Parasite Omnibus
Panda Hunter Weekly
What's in Charles Grodin's Garage? Magazine