CRACKED asked New York comics Don Jamieson, Joe DeRosa, Spanky, Rob Rothstein, Lisa Landry and Darren Kane to give the Man of Steel a good comedy roasting. Here's some of the hilarious, filthy stuff they came up with...
"Superman reminds me of the homeless man that sits on my corner: they both are orphans, they both have worn the same outfit for the past fifty years and they both date Margot Kidder."
"I was watching a behind the scenes documentary of Superman II. The crew was striking the set and thought someone had left a stick of red AND green kryptonite lodged under a couch cushion"¦ but it turned out to be one of Margot Kidder' used tampons. Still, they were confused, because it was glowing."
"My favorite scene in the original Superman movie is when Ned Beatty gets raped in the woods"¦ No, wait, that' not Superman, that' Deliverance. I always get the movies I masturbate to confused."
"I don't like the casting of Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane. She' just nowhere near as hot as Margot Kidder. I find Bosworth' perfectly symmetrical, pearly white teeth and smooth, porcelain-like skin to be a real turn-off. Kidder was the beauty with that dehydrated, bottle-in-her-desk-drawer look. I like my Lois to look like she just downed a fifth of Rumplemintz and a handful of perks while the Daily Planet staff ran a train on her in the copy room at the Christmas party."
"It's not like Superman ever does anything pro-active. He's always just coming in late to clean up other people' messes. Superman is basically just FEMA."
"The press release said Brandon Routh put on twenty pounds of muscle for the movie. Who the hell would have noticed this? His biggest role before this was dressing up as Superman for Halloween."