The 30 Most Ill-Conceived Movie Monsters

A well-designed monster (say, a burn victim with a glove made of knives) can make a franchise. We asked you to photoshop monsters from the opposite end of the spectrum, the shittiest movie monster possible.
The winner is below. But first the runners up.
by Kybard
by MadPiper
by scoob
by Bishopwhitet
by anlight
by anlight
by Wibblewobble
by Sanchez
by eNil
by bltzie
by epoca
by Screamer
by epoca
by chaoskitten
by monocle
by McBeefy
by collective
by eNil
by fuzzymuffins
by fuzzymuffins
by The Hulk
by Kybard
by Speedomon
by Glenn
by Screamer
by lokimotive
by anlight
by joker
by Taintsmasher
And the winner is...
by joker
Congrats, joker. You win money.
Want in on this?
You'll have another chance. This week's Photoshop contest theme is:
Video Game Villain Recruitment Posters. Ever wonder how that level boss is able to get hundreds of mindless drones to throw themselves at you just to keep you away from the castle? It's their awesome recruitment campaigns, of course. Show us what they'd look like.
Post your entries in the forums.
If you'd like to see the other entries from this week that didn't make it, you can find them here. Then enjoy the winners from last week's photoshop contest that showed you The 20 Celebrity Endorsed Products Too Awesome to Exist.
Got an idea for a future Cracked photoshop contest? Let us know. ,