29 Animals That Are Secretly Evil Geniuses

Maybe we should prepare just a little for an animal uprising
29 Animals That Are Secretly Evil Geniuses

We like to think we run the planet, with our higher intelligence and penchant for being pretty innovative at warfare. But a hard glance at the Animal Kingdom gives us pause, because those little shits are sneaky in ways that make us a little nervous. For example...

The Assassin Bug A crafty insect that preys on spiders using such dastardly methods as plucking on a spider's web so it thinks a small insect is caught and then striking when the spider comes close enough. They're also known to physically dismantle webs to get to spiders on windy
Humpback whales team up to catch fish in 'bubble nets' by using 180dB calls and swarming around shoals. They blow air around the fish to prevent dispersion and then swim through the 'bubble net' and devour their prey.
The boxer crab holds a sea anemone in each of its claws and uses them as alstinging boxing gloves. If it loses one of its anemones, the crab tears the remaining one into two parts, which then regenerate into a new pair. It's a rare case of one animal inducing
Drongos their use deception skills to imitate the sound of a predator or the alarm calls of a species. They've been observed to follow meerkats with their food and sound false alarm calls to them scare away and steal their food. CRACKED.COM
29 Animals That Are Secretly Evil Geniuses
Cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds' nests and leave them to do the hard work of bringing up their offspring. Cuckoo chicks have also been documented pushing the original eggs out of the nest. CRACKED.COM
Since sharks become paralyzed when turned belly-side up, orcas ram them in the side to flip them over when they hunt them. This suggests that orcas know a little something about shark biology. CRACKED COM
CRACKED.COM The Margay cat of Brazil's rainforest has been known to mimic the sounds of a baby Pied Tamarin in distress. Once the other Pied Tamarins come to investigate, the Margay launches a swift and stealthy attack.
-CRACKED COM Some moths emit a siren-like noise to jam bats' echolocation as they hunt. Some moths also mimic bats which 'freeze' nearby females with fear, so the males can mate with them.
Pissed off ONE crow? Prepare for a lifetime of crow attacks. Crows don't just hold grudges. They pass on their anger to their friends and teach their young ones to attack the specific person they're mad at, The result? Multiple generations of angry crows attacking you. CRACKED.COM
Some caterpillars disguise themselves as a pile of bird poop to seem less appetizing. Studies show birds are less likely to go after poop-colored caterpillars that are curled up rather than ones that are elongated. CRACKED COM
CRACKEDCON Male topi antelopes often trick their mates into having more sex with them by staring and snorting at non-existent predators. That way, the females will be tricked into staying longer in the males' territory. They don't warn their romantic rivals, though. Even though there is an actual predator behind
Sperm whales in Alaska have been observed stealing from fishing trawlers. They sit and wait near the boats and then use their massive jaws to snap fish off the trawler's hooks.
Male peacocks sometimes make fake sex noises to attract more females. CRA By convincing females they are more sexually active, the male seems like a more attractive mate.


Sharks can track the position of the sun and often hunt with the sun behind them. This is so they can mitigate sun glare that may obstruct their vision while hunting and conceal their approach.
When certain species of spiders want to pack up and take over new lands and resources, they use a process called ballooning They climb to a high point, spin a few strands of silk, catch some air and float away. Some have even traveled hundreds of miles overseas Mass ballooning
CHIMPANZEES ARE VERY THOROUGH IN HUNTING TERMITES. CRACKED.COM Before sweeping a termite nest with a fishing stick, chimps run the fishing stick through their teeth, giving it a rough, frayed edge that catches more termites.
Elephants have learned how to evade electrified fences. When hungry for a meal, elephants CRACD have been known to tiptoe over fences, one leg at a time, to escape enclosures and freely hunt for food.
Male bluenose dolphins have been known to forcefully mount other males to assert their authority while others in the same groups take fertile females away.
29 Animals That Are Secretly Evil Geniuses
When squirrels find food to be stored for later, they carry it tucked inside their cheeks while searching for a place to bury it. If a squirrel knows it's being watched, it will dig a hole but pretend to spit the food in, covering the hole with debris as normal
29 Animals That Are Secretly Evil Geniuses
Killer whales have a clever technique to hunt seals that take refuge on ice. They will wave wash them by swimming in unison towards the slab of ice, creating a huge wave that can knock their victims off balance.
New Caledonian Crows can catch prey hidden under leaves. They shape leaves with barbed edges into a tool for pulling out tasty bugs from underneath fallen leaves. CRACKED COM


By staying still, opening its mouth, and twitching a worm-lik appendage in its tongue, an Alligator Snapping Turtle tricks fish and frogs into approaching its mouth.
29 Animals That Are Secretly Evil Geniuses


Male cuttlefish can be really sneaky when they want to steal someone else's female. They will get between the couple and disguise half their body as a male to attract the female and the other half as a female to make the unsuspecting husband think that it's a girls' night

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