The Failed Projects of 15 Comedy Legends

We’ve all heard countless inspirational quotes about failure, and they’re all pretty much the same Sesame Street lesson of never giving up. “The secret of life is to fall seven times, but to get up eight times.” - Paulo Coelho. “Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” ― Oprah Winfrey. And hey man, if Oprah said it, you carve that shit into your desk. Failure comes for us all, and comedy legends are no different. Yes, they achieved successes beyond their wildest dreams, but that doesn’t mean that every venture was a hit.
And we don’t like to revel in others’ failures, but we just want to remind you that not everyone has the Midas touch. And don’t worry, their successes far outweighed these little potholes in the path to greatness. If anything, a little failure now and then keeps the ego in check. And that’s what these 15 comedy legends felt… A good ol’ flop to keep them humble.
Andy Kaufman

The Love Guru

Melissa McCarthy wins… the Razzie!

The Chevy Chase Show

Dennis Miller

A string of Eddie Murphy movies.

Jerry Seinfeld needed to apologize.

Luckily Chappelle’s Show was around the corner.

Old Dogs needed new tricks.

Jeff Foxworthy’s sitcom got two chances.

Dana Carvey - The Master of Disguise

Let comedians do their thing!

George Carlin

Reverse Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Adam Sandler’s biggest flop.