14 Royally Messed Up Facts About the British Monarchy

We barely scratch the surface.
14 Royally Messed Up Facts About the British Monarchy

In 1913, the British Empire commanded 23% of the world’s population. Under British imperialism, millions of innocent people died. The British monarchy has a sordid and violent past. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we take a look back to reflect on her legacy and the legacy of the British monarchy. We didn’t know her as an individual, we knew her as a figurehead so we have to examine her legacy as such. She was reigning during several British atrocities including the Malayan Emergency where over 3,000 civilians died, the repression of the Mau Mau rebellion where over 100,000 people were in detention camps, the British secretly funding a war in Yemen, and Bloody Sunday when Irish protesters were murdered. And even though a (mostly) representational figurehead during this time, she still stood for British Empire. In the same way, Joe Camel might be a likable character, but he still helped to sell and humanize a dangerous product.

Also, come on, did we learn nothing from our Founding Fathers or even Hamilton? Overthrow the monarchy! Throw tea in the ocean! Powder your hair! Here are 14 facts about the British monarchy that might have you quoting a certain Chumbawumba song.

King Cannibal II

CRACKED.COM King Charles II drank human skulls King Charles II paid a lot of money to drink a tincture called The King's Drops. Made from human skulls from Ireland, the cannibalistic alcohol mixture was thought to be medicinal.

Source: Gizmodo

The Queen actually did influence proposed legislation

CRACKED.COM The Queen actually did influence proposed legislation It's not well-known, but the Queen's Consent is a procedure in which the British government has to ask the monarch's permission in order for parliament to debate laws that will affect them. There's strong evidence that the Queen used it several times during her reign, including influencing a draft of race relations legislation in 1968.

Source: The Guardian

The British Monarchy was sympathetic to Nazis at first

CRACKED.COM The British Monarchy was sympathetic to Nazis at first УБ Prince Edward (Queen Elizabeth Il's uncle who would become King for less than a year) had a friendly meeting with Hitler in 1937. There's evidence that he visited the early stages of a concentration camp. A 1933 17-second video leaked of Queen Elizabeth II as a child being taught to do a Nazi salute.

Source: BBC

Around 6 million enslaved people were taken on British ships

CRACKED.COM Around 6 million enslaved people were taken on British ships The Royal African Company was established by the Duke of York (who would become King James II), with help from his brother King Charles II. Between 1690 and 1807, an estimated six million people were taken from Africa to the Americas on British or British American ships, with the protection of the British royal family and parliament. The profits of the trading of enslaved people helped to fund the Treasury, Britain's industries, and the royal family's wealth.

Source: The Guardian

Diamonds in the Crown Jewels were probably stolen

CRACKED.COM Diamonds in the Crown Jewels were probably stolen The 1.37-pound Cullinan Diamond was the largest diamond ever found, discovered in South Africa and now split into several diamonds that are a part of the crown jewels. Buckingham Palace says they were a gift from the British colony of the Transvaal Republic, but Black township leaders in South Africa claim they were stolen and demand their return.

Source: Snopes

Prince Andrew settled a sexual assault lawsuit

CRACKED.COM Prince Andrew settled a sexual assault lawsuit Still eighth in line to the throne, Prince Andrew settled a lawsuit in which he was accused of raping a teenager while she was at the notorious sex offender Jeffrey Epstein's mansion and a private island. The financial terms of the settlement, including where the money came from, are unknown.

Source: New York Times


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