20 Of The Worst Tropes in Reality TV

Reality TV, we meet again. Like fascist movements or that ex we lovingly call “the toxic one,” we cannot help but return over and over to the bottomless pit of despair that is reality TV. Only this time, we’re not discussing its horrible downsides, its fundamental deceptions, or even the lives it has ruined. Instead, we’re focusing on tropes. And not our favorite ones, because that’s the thing — what would those even be? Seriously, we could only answer with a blank stare the question, “What are your favorite tropes from reality TV?” Tropes from action? We have a bunch. Horror? You’re insulting us. Sci-fi? Don’t even. Rom-coms? Shoot, we haven’t done that one yet…
But yeah, reality shows. Okay, so if we had to guess, our favorite reality TV trope would be that time there weren’t any. Our second favorite reality TV trope is the entropic heat death of the universe in which no trace of reality TV survives. We love those tropes. Now, as for the ones we dislike the most, well, they’re pretty much the ones defining the genre. If we wanted actual attempts at depictions of reality, we’d watch documentaries. (Note to self: documentary tropes!). And if we wanted skewed, satirical depictions of reality, we’d watch mockumentaries. As for reality TV, however, it is built on the quite specific trope that is blatantly dishonest manipulation aimed towards manufacturing artificial drama. Like fascist movements. Or that ex. Wait, where were we? Oh yeah – still, such an overall genre trope defining reality TV can be broken down into finer tropes, such as…


Sources: Best Life, The Keystone Newspaper
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wiki Commons

Sources: Screen Rant
Rich Girls

Source: MsMojo/YouTube, The Keystone News
Reaction Shots

More: 5 Secrets of Making Reality TV They Don't Want You to Know

Source: Screen Rant


Source: Saturday Night Live/YouTube
Girl Fights

Source: drzgangsta10031/YouTube
Girl Next Door

Sources: The Keystone Newspaper, The List/YouTube

Audio Cues

More: 5 Secrets of Making Reality TV They Don't Want You to Know
Repetition, repetition, repetition

Source: Jack Govier/YouTube
Sudden Focus

Source: TV Tropes

More: 5 Secrets of Making Reality TV They Don't Want You to Know

Sources: Ranker, The Keystone News
Reality TV Blindness

Source: TV Tropes

Source: Screen Rant

Sources: Screen Rant, TV Tropes, TV Tropes