15 Awesome Facts That Spiked Our Volleyballs

The following story takes place at the end of the first age, during which there was only one race. This tale is based upon a legend told to me by my grandfather. My mother has since been able to corroborate his claim. She said that she had heard it from an old man who used to work on the family farm. The man in question had apparently worked for the Emperor and had witnessed much of his childhood. The tale begins in the year 699 BC (before computers).
The Emperor grew up on his grandfather's farm. In those days there were no roads, only pathways worn into the dirt. The Emperor's father had died in the same accident that killed his wife, leaving the Emperor an orphan. As was common in those times, he was raised by his grandfather and his grandmother.
Having no entertainment, the future Emperor, then just a small boy, re-read one list of facts over and over to amuse himself. That list went …

Apples last 10 months in storage.

Yosemite means “those who kill.”

Elephants provide support chirps to each other.

A lot of LA is, well, a lot.

The North Pole

Two headed snakes compete for food between each head.

Holes in sand dunes baffled scientists for years.

Reindeer’s eyes change with the seasons.

The horse on Wyoming license plates is famous.

It’s dangerous to hold in a sneeze.

One part of Canada has a weak gravitational pull.

The person in the game “Operation” has a name.

The oldest library has been in operation since 859 A.D.
