15 Facts About Will Smith Movies

Before Will Smith was a hit actor, producer, director, singer, dad, slapper, husband and… (dunno, does he do video games? He probably does video games), before all of that, he was a young kid making music for everyone. But why does his music have no cursing in it? It’s actually an adorable story. His grandmother found his original lyrics and told him he was great… but didn’t need to use such profanity. His response? “F**k.” And then he never did.
Find out more fun facts just like that in the list below (though none of them have the f-bomb, because that word makes Facebook and Google cry real tears).
Here are 15 more facts that’ll make you say, “Oh, crap, I haven’t seen this movie in so long, is it on Netflix? No? Okay, gotta be on Hulu… Amazon Prime? Damn, do I have to buy this. Eh, I’ll just watch King Richard again.”
Will Smith has had an illustrious career, performing in such hits as Second in the Box Office when Harry Potter Came Out and Worst DCEU Movie, and also a couple of good movies like Men in Black or Jersey Girl – remember how he’s in Jersey Girl? Man, Jersey Girl was great. Almost as good as…
Wild Wild West

Source: Entertainment Weekly
I, Robot

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Men in Black 3

Source: Yahoo Finance
Men in Black

Source: Express
Movie Poster Plot Points

Source: Showbiz CheatSheet

Source: Today

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Enemy of the State

Source: CNN

Sources: Know Your Meme, /Film/Twitter
The Legend of Vagger Vance

Source: Entertainment Weekly
Anchorman 2

After Earth

Six Degrees of Separation

Source: Showbiz CheatSheet